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每一个角落均有其妙处,足见主人的匠心独具。Every part shows the inventive mind of the owner.

士丹利在这个发明流露流。Stanley is in this stream of inventive outpouring.

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他们可以像我们一样创造性地使用语言吗?Are they endlessly inventive with language in the way we are?

你的主意很有创意,但我对它的实用性有存疑。Your idea seems inventive enough, but I doubt its practicality.

约翰具有创造力的头脑策划出了这个不可思议的科幻小说电脑游戏。John's inventive mind mapped out this magical Sci-fi computer game.

增加发明活动的“占比”只能让你到这种程度。Increasing the “rate” of inventive activity will only get you so far.

他是现代音乐界最具天赋和创造力的鼓手之一。He is one of the most talented and inventive drummers in modern music.

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他是一个富有创造精神的厨师,一直试着改变自己的配方。He is an inventive cook and is always making variations to his recipes.

为了研究系外行星,天文学家必须非常有创造性。In order to study exoplanets, astronomers have had to be quite inventive.

它们不像人工翻译那样具有创新性,能遣词造句。They are not inventive and cannot "play" with language the way humans do.

不同于硅谷的那些企业,印度这些公司在思路上可能更有创意。And they are likely to be inventive in ways that Silicon Valley firms are not.

让户外活动不再是一种选择,而变得有创意起来。When outdoors is not an option, become inventive. Buy a fold-up Ping-Pong table.

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本文介绍一种新发明的针刺材料与方法。A kind of new inventive pinprick material with means was introduced in this paper.

本发明眼镜的主要用途是作为近用眼镜或近视眼镜等使用。The inventive spectacles can be used for myopic lens and short-distance spectacles.

阿米什人的宗教群体,是他们的创造性和大胆的被子模式而闻名。The Amish religious group is well known for their inventive and bold quilt patterns.

最佳创意可以获得官方网可以免费成为12个月的PLUS会员。The most inventive idea will earn its composer a 12-month Arsenal PLUS subscription.

存在关于这个原理的,显著的发明,以及有趣的观点。And there are really remarkably inventive and intriguing ideas on how this can be done.

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给予宽裕的时间也是世界某些最具创意的公司的常见做法。Granting slack time is also common practice in some of the world's most inventive firms.

本发明的方法特别适用于聚乙烯和聚丙烯的造粒。The inventive method is especially suitable for granulating polyethylene or polypropylene.

进化是善于创造的,也是保守的,总在凑合着用些现成的东西。While evolution is inventive , it is also conservative , making do with what is available.