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大出口排出废水。The huge outlet debouched the wastewater.

用升流式石灰石滤池中和处理废水。A lime filtering cell is used to treat wastewater.

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是氯水投加还是废水处理。Of chlorination in water and wastewater treatment.

染料废水对环境有很大的影响。Dyestuff wastewater has much effect on environment.

本文研究采用电化学高级氧化技术处理焦化废水。Coking wastewater was treated by AOPs in this article.

吹脱后的废水可进行生化处理。Wastewater after blow-off can be treated biochemically.

废水在煤气站循环使用,基本不外排。Wastewater recycling in gas station, basic not discharge.

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应用这一工艺进行屠宰废水的处理试验。In this paper, ASBR was used to treat abattoir wastewater.

研究了含氰废水的加压水解反应。Pressured hydrolysis of cyanides in wastewater was studied.

本文重点对脱墨废水的特性进行分析。This article analyses the characters of deinking wastewater.

河流是城市污水的最终受纳体。River is the ultimate receiving water of the urban wastewater.

您可曾见到那墨黑的废水污染了碧河?Have you ever seen the blackest wastewater polluted Bess river?

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通过研究,找出了苦味酸废水较为可行的处理方法。We find out feasible treatment method of picric acid wastewater.

采用铁屑微电解—共沉淀法处理含钒废水。The electrolytic mangan wastewater was processed by iron chipping.

食用油生产碱炼洗涤废水难以处理。It is difficult to treatment wastewater from edible-fat production.

碱渣废水是炼油厂油品精制过程产生的高浓含酚废水。Alkali dregs wastewater is one of the major pollution in refineries.

亚麻沤制废水是高浓度有机废水。Flax retting wastewater is organic wastewater of high concentration.

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脱氮一直是污水处理界的研究热点。Denitrification is always the focus in wastewater treatment industry.

同时,一些偶氮染料废水中也存在铬离子。Moreover, some azo dyestuff wastewater also bears chromium compounds.

养猪场废水是农业重大污染源。Piggery wastewater is a significant agricultural pollutant resources.