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豁达一点,灵活一点。Be open, be flexible.

这是挠性接头。This is a flexible sub.

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锯架升降灵活方便。Flexible adopts frame saws.

挠性,双侧剑杆。Flexible Rapiers of Both side.

保持你的计划表的弹性。Be flexible with your schedule.

使整个结构保持灵活。Keep the whole structure flexible.

有些人可能会说它太过灵活。Some would say it is too flexible.

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橡皮管可以弯曲。A piece of rubber hose is flexible.

用作软轴保护套管。Use for flexible axle applications.

可操纵光的柔性材料。Flexible material manipulates light.

尼伯格告诉学生们要学会变通。Nyberg tells students to be flexible.

皮革、橡皮和电线都是易弯曲的。Leather, rubber and wire are flexible.

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飞机发动机短舱挠性管道。Aircraft engine Nacelle flexible ducts.

它非常灵活,很容易扩展。It is very flexible and easy to extend.

警报系统相当灵活。The alarm system is extremely flexible.

它是功能强大且灵活的框架。It is a powerful and flexible framework.


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所以你要问清情况,灵活掌握。So you know you just ask and be flexible.

比常规杆更柔软的杆身。Whippy A shaft more flexible than normal.

有一个灵活的宽边的软毡帽。A soft felt hat with a wide flexible brim.