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你将成为一个隐私侵犯者。You will be a privacy invader.

入侵者蹂躏了整个城镇。The invader de-vastated the whole town.

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入侵者看见灯罩的影子渐渐消失。The invader saw the shadow of the lampshade fade away.

入侵者看见这个灯罩的阴影逐渐消掉。the invader saw the shadow of the lampshade fade away.

我真的不意味着在被另一个“侵略者”到这个网站。I don't really mean on being another "INVADER" to this site.

其他主打艺术家包括谢帕德。·费尔雷以及“太空入侵者”。Other artists featured included Shepard Fairey and Space Invader.

不速之客在人群中察觉到一丝仇恨的暗流。The invader sensed an undercurrent of resentment among the crowd.

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要是你的肺是健康的,入侵者进驻的机会就会马上就被排除。If your lungs are healthy, chances are the invader will be quickly dispatched.

他困惑了,闭上眼睛想象萨利身体里的瘤,去寻找那个黑色的入侵者。He puzzled, shutting his eyes to envision the interior nub, to search out the dark invader.

同时,域名服务器客户服务可令入侵者获取你所访问过的网站列表。Also, the DNS Client service enables the invader to get a list of websites you have visited.

侵略者真正的蔑视表现在战场上勇猛的行为。The true contempt of an invader is shown by deeds of valour in the field-hermocrates of syracuse.

当另外的一个国家侵入你的国家,而且你选择为侵略者工作的时候,你是一个叛逆者。When another country invade your country and you choose to work for the invader , you are a traitor.

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热休克蛋白除了向免疫系统提供侵略者的特徵之外,似乎也同时敲响了警钟。Beyond delivering a description of the invader to the immune system, HSPs seem to sound an alarm as well.

芥川笔下的桃大郎一改民间传说中被日本人崇拜热爱的形象而成为彻头彻尾的侵略者。In his novel, he turned the image of Momotaro much worshipped by the Japanese intO an out-and-out invader.

但是他们不确定这种色彩鲜艳的入侵者能否登上迈阿密海滩餐厅的菜单上。But they weren't sure whether the brightly colored invader would appear on the menus of Miami Beach eateries.

和侵略者“结盟”,那叫“投降”。中国人可绝不会接受这个!"Allying" yourself with an invader is called "surrender", and the Chinese people would never have accepted it!

塞莫皮莱,一个邻近海边的狭窄谷地,是抵抗入侵的最佳要塞之一。One of the best points at which to hold off an invader was at Thermopylae, a narrow valley adjacent to the sea.

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如果抗体不能马上杀死入侵者,则它将作为入侵者的一个标记,使得它们有可能被巨噬细胞所吞噬。If this does not kill the invader outright, then it acts as a flag for the bug in question to be eaten by a macrophage.

最重要的是,后天免疫系统还能够保持“记忆”,因此下次当同样的入侵者攻击人体时,体内能组织起效果更强的防线。Crucially, it also maintains a 'memory' so the body can launch a more ferocious defense the next time the same invader attacks.

而那些对谷蛋白--小麦中含有的一种蛋白质--过敏的人,免疫系统会把谷蛋白当作是对身体的恶意入侵者。In those with gluten allergies, the immune system mistakenly identifies gluten, a protein found in wheat, as a hostile invader.