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一九二九年二月再版。In February 1929 reprint.

二月二十六日。It's February twenty-sixth.

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布达佩斯,1945年二月。Budapest, the February of 1945.

12月、1月和2月常常很冷,有时还下雪。and February. It snows sometimes.

他出生于一七三二年二月二十二日。A. He was born on February 22, 1732.

他们于仲春十七日抵达北京。They reached Beijing on February 17.

今天是二月二四号。Today is February the twenty-fourth.

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今天2月2日,是土拨鼠日。Today, February 2, is Groundhog Day.

1名17岁女孩于2月23日死亡。A 17-year-old girl died on 23 February.

这些树二月里长叶子。These trees come into leaf in February.

曾经是仲春了,春季来了。It's already February. Spring is coming.

贝琳达2月8号到达了巴基斯坦。Belinda arrived in Pakistan on February 8.

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2月9日,赫尔穆特.科尔来会见我。On February 9, Helmut Kohl came to see me.

他的新书将在二月份出版。His new book will be published in February.

在二月时我在208车站遇见了她。I met at the 208 bus stop back in February.

上2月流星和2个天下是低潮期。On February meteors and 2 is brought under.

1975年2月4日海城地震The Haicheng Earthquake of February 4, 1975

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该会议将在明年二月份在罗马举行。The gathering will be next February in Rome.

七月七号,星期六那天他们在乳制品店里。They were at school on Monday, February 2nd.

二毛却见在人多之时悄然而退。Two hairs but see in February when the back.