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本拉登已经是过去式了。Bin Laden was already passé.

大胆的思想几乎已经过时。Bold ideas are almost passé.

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而那逝去的将变的美好。That which passe will be dear.

网络已经过时了。The Internet is already passe.

甚至这一名词如今都已过时.Even the term now sounds passé.

你所爱的人会将它传递。To be passe on by the ones you loved.

他曾是优秀演员,但现在最红时期已过。He was a fine actor but he's a bit passe now.

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把头脑风暴当作古老的、过时的风尚来看待。Treat brainstorming as old-fashioned and passé.

事实上,这乃是无聊而过时的成见。In fact, it smacks of lazy and passé stereotyping.

现在,同志权益的问题在这里几乎没有了。Now, the issue of gay rights is almost passe here.

搞电视访谈从没有象现在那样显得过时。Hitting the talk show circuit never looked so passe.

了解如何在这个自由爵士舞视频过时。Learn how to do the passe in this free jazz dance video.

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从很多方面来看,整体意义上的“老大”已经不合时宜了。In many ways, the whole idea of a No. 1 is becoming passé.

爱国主义在粒子物理学领域是过去时了。In matters of particle physics, then, patriotism is passé.

收集正常光线对于真正的天文学来讲已经过时。The collection of ordinary light is passé for real astronomy.

这当然会动摇让意大利餐厅的地基。It will surely shake the most passé restaurants to their foundations.

当我们在报纸上看到一个新点子的时候,它已经过去了。By the time we read about a good idea in the paper, it's already passé.

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在现代舞蹈过时反过来又可以在完成第一的位置或平行脚。A passe turn in modern dance can be performed in first position or with parallel feet.

品牌价的下跌还只是山寨手机萎缩的众多原因之一。Falling prices for brand-name models are just one reason crude clones are becoming passe.

学会从专业舞蹈演员过时在这个自由的现代舞技巧视频转。Learn to passe turn with tips from a professional dancer in this free modern dance video.