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我们为你们欢呼。We’re cheering for you.

他们为何欢呼?Why were they cheering?

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阵阵欢呼声浪潮般向他袭来。The waves of cheering broke over him.

大家都在欢呼,迎接罗逸菲的归来。Everyone cheering for Luo Yifei return.

我发誓,如果我欺骗了你,我宁愿不得好死。You look as though you need cheering up.

姚明在接受记者采访时称,“感觉很棒,各国旗帜飘扬,观众们在场边欢呼助威。”It felt great, all the flags and cheering.

钟声响起人群欢呼。Bells were pealing and crowds were cheering.

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他们在为喜爱的球员们喝采。They are cheering for their favorite players.

加油声在远方慢慢地消失了。The sound of cheering faded out in the distance.

广场上有一大群欢呼雷动的人群。On the square there was a wildly cheering throng.

人群沿路线排成行,挥舞着旗子欢呼。Crowds lined the route, waving flags and cheering.

准备好为一些令人欢呼的消息干杯吧。Prepare to raise your glass to some cheering news.

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当选总统朝欢呼的人群招手。The elected president waved to the cheering crowd.

而凯蒂,正坐在他们边上,为我喝彩。Katie is sitting right beside them, cheering me on.

观众一齐大声表示赞同。The audience chorused its approval by loud cheering.

他们看到一大群人在喊叫欢呼。They noticed a crowd of people shouting and cheering.

所以,看在上帝份上,不要在记者席欢呼。So, for goodness' sakes, no cheering in the press box.

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人群围着旗杆上飘扬的布龙欢闹。A cloth dragon swayed on poles amidst a cheering crowd.

群众对歌唱家顿时发出响亮的喝彩声。The crowd burst forth into loud cheering at the singer.

演讲者煽起了人们的情绪,人群一片欢腾。The speaker worked the people up into a cheering crowd.