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这窗子是由玻璃制成的。The window ism ade of glass.

它们乃至还用雪堆了一只小猫。They even mcraigslist ade a snowcat.

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艾德本来要帮助我们,但是他没有履行诺言。Ade was going to help us, but he cried off.

代纳钻具首先是在哪儿造出来的?。Where was being dyna-drill first mtext ade?

艾德承认在考试中作了弊。Ade acknowledged cheating in the examination.

简洁的设计可以带给你兴奋的感觉。Simple designs can bem ade to thrill these days.

他为破世界记载做了最后一次努力。He mtext ade one last attempt for the world record.

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由于他乡音重,大家常和他开玩笑。He was frequently mtext ade fun of for his strong accent.

赛跑中艾德就要取胜了,可是那位瘦瘦的小伙子却超过了他。Ade was winning the race until the thin boy edged him out.

古典建筑中正面飞檐上的矮墙或矮楼。Low wall or story above the cornice of a classical fa?ade.

即便来了客人,艾德也不把他最好的盘碟摆出来。Ade never fetches out his best dishes even when guests arrive.

他的老板有丰富的国际贸易知识。His boss have a wealth of knowledge about intern ation al tr ade.

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以艾德先生为首,他们决定成立一个贸易公司。With Mr.Ade taking the lead, they decided to set up a trading company.

由于长期暴露在自然环境中,沙岩的表面已经风化了。The sandstone fa?ade had disintegrated from long exposure to the elements.

每天他都叫一个小动物去给他找来一些吃的。东西…Every day he m. ade one of the smaller animals bring him something t. o eat.

配方里加入3盎司的酸果汁。酸果汁是由牙买加的酸液的植物制成。Add 3 shots Sorrel ade to recipe. Sorrel ade is a drink made in Jamaica from the sorrel plant.

我的学习成绩很差,但是我想学好每一科。因此,我写了一个学习计划。Although i did poorly in my study i aspired to do well in every subjects, so i ade a studying plan.

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当我的腿不听使唤,扶我一把,就像我当初扶着你踏出人生的第一步。If i can't walk, give me a hand, just like i used to hold you when ade the first step of your life.

在那之前!两个演员就计画好要把导演丢进水里。From earlier than! two stars hcraigslist ad mcraigslist ade plan to throw the director into the wdined onr.

谢菲尔德联队前锋阿迪?阿金比伊透露他和队友克劳德?戴维斯在训练中发生了严重的冲突。Sheffield United striker Ade Akinbiyi has revealed he had a training-ground bust-up with team-mate Claude Davis.