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朝新地区移动。Moving to new area.

我忙乎着搬家呢!I'm busy moving house.

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解放油罐车挡位和优雅。Moving off with grace.

我们正在不断前进。We are moving forward.

他要搬到新竹去了。He's moving to Hsinchu.

这是一个感人的故事。This is a moving story.

移动面积为1的也就是最小的圆盘。Moving a disk of size 1.

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移动帮助他思考。Moving helped him think.

你真的步步高升。You're really moving up.

这是一个很感人的故事。It's a very moving story.

因为生活本来就是一往直前的。Life is always moving on.

以德感人,为人师表。By virtue of being moving.

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向新的发射点挪动转移。Moving to new launch site.

搬去加州或哈默堡。Moving to California or to.

那汽车跑得可真快。That car was really moving.

西莫,那幅画在动呢。Mosi, that picture's moving.

这一排走得好慢。This line is moving so slow.

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我们打算搬回俄勒冈州去。We’re moving back to Oregon.

一切都那么不同,一切都令人感动。All different and all moving.

物体在平面内运动Particle's moving in a plane.