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说异色倒是有一点。There was a threat of typhoon.

台风的势头已经减弱了。The typhoon had spent its fury.

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上星期台风美玲来过了。Typhoon Meiling came last week.

台风后一片混乱。The typhoon left chaos behind it.

台风扫过大地。A typhoon blustered over the land.

台风侵袭沿海地区。The typhoon hit the coastal areas.

台风来袭的时候,我正待在家里。I was at home when the typhoon hit.

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纳莉台风是个大灾难。The typhoon Nali was a big disaster.

台风损坏了整座村庄。Typhoon strained the whole vil-lage.

台风造成数起意外。The typhoon caused several accidents.

但是,当它回来的时候,力量可抵台风。It returns with the force of a typhoon.

我们面临中度台风的侵袭。We're facing a medium-strength typhoon.

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他能凭经验预测出台风。He can forcast the typhoon by experience.

台风几乎把房子刮倒。The typhoon nearly tipped over the house.

台风吹倒了无数棵小树苗。The typhoon prostrated numerous young trees.

台风“梅花”登陆可能在中国登陆,大风暴雨将来袭。Typhoon Muifa to bring gales, rain to China.

莫拉菲台风来临前的晚霞。The sunset glow before typhoon Molave coming.

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台风在淹水的地区引起了混乱。The typhoon caused chaos in the flooded area.

虎豹都是凶猛的野兽。The oncoming force of the typhoon was ferocious.

台风通常带来豪雨和强风。Typhoon usually bring heavy rain and strong wind.