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史密斯先生带有传呼机吗?Does Mr. Smith carry a pager?

你的呼叫器上面说“我是维克。Your pager says, "This is Vic."

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检查所有手机和寻呼机的使用情况。Review cell phone and pager use.

我这儿有他的呼机号。I have his pager number right here.

之后留了一个寻呼机的号码。Please help! There’s a pager number.

它基本上只是一个邮件呼机。It was basically just an email pager.

获取或设置分页条是否可见。可读写。Gets or sets whether the pager is visible.

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你把电话和寻呼号码给罗丝了吗?。Did you give Roz the phone and pager numbers?

我通过医生的BP机召唤医生。I bleeped the doctor on his electronic pager.

医生们夜里常被人用无线传呼机呼唤。I bleeped the doctor on his electronic pager.

或者,你可以使用卫星寻呼页面。Or, you may have to wear a satellite-based pager.

本传呼机安排也可以由一个照顾者使用。This pager arrangement could also be used by a carer.

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这种语数兼容寻呼机为其应用开辟了新的领域。A new field of application of this pager is developed.

如果您没有传呼机,请在此栏中输入“1111”。Please type "1111" in this column if you don't have pager number.

欢迎的士传呼台或公司参加该项计划。Taxi pager stations or companies are welcomed to join the scheme.

传呼机便宜但只能处置少量的信息。The pager is cheap but only handles minimal amounts of information.

萨克拉门托市——一个星期六的早晨九点,艾伦·萨彻尔的BP机响了。SACRAMENTO — Dr. Alan Shatzel’s pager beeped at 9 on a Saturday morning.

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列印输出使用最大值空格在之上已选取的呼叫器。外观比例为所维护的。Printout uses maximum space on the selected pager. Aspect ratio is maintained.

用此方法成功地实现个人计算机直接接收无线寻呼中文信息。In this way the PC is able to receive the information in Chinese from the pager.

大闹一场后,呼机上又有她的信号时你的感受。The way you feel when you see your name on the pager after you just had a big fight.