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花原体于九月下旬起自顶端分生组织凸起。Flower primordia are emerged from the shoot apical meristem in late August.

根状茎顶端的原分生组织由3~5个鳞片包被。The primordial meristem at the tip of rhizome is surrounded by 3-5 lepises.

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不同光质在河套蜜瓜茎尖培养中,以红兰混合光对嫩茎的形成有明显的效果。Mixing light had great effect on the formation of young stem in meristem culture.

花由茎顶分生组织的少数细胞分化而来。Flowers are differentiated from a few cells on the stem apical meristem of a plant.

采用茎尖分生组织培养技术,获得了川麦冬的脱病毒试管苗。Virus-free materials of Ophiopogon japonicus were obtained from meristem culture in vitro.

原形成层和基本分生组织的细胞比原表皮层细胞更加液泡化。Cells of the procambium and ground meristem are more vacuolated than those of the protoderm.

分生组织的决定在控制禾本科花序形态中是非常重要的。Meristem identity is crucial in determining the inflorescence architecture of grass species.

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分生组织属性转变的调节是植物生殖生长期发育的关键步骤。Regulating the transition of meristem identity is a critical step in reproductive development.

采用茎尖分生组织培养技术,获得分蘖洋葱无毒试管苗。Virue free in vitro shoots of Tillered onion were obtained from meristem tip apex tissue culture.

根尖的初生分生组织可扩大到伸长区下方一段距离。The primary meristem of the root tip may be extended a section of distance below the elongation region.

蛋白质的相对含量则在伸长区细胞中最高,分生区细胞中最低。The relative content of protein was maximum in the elongation region, but minimum in the meristem region.

WOX11在突出的冠状根表达,随后在根分生组织的细胞分裂区表达。WOX11 was found to be expressed in emerging crown roots and later in cell division regions of the root meristem.

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甘薯茎尖分生组织脱毒培养技术是目前防治病毒病最有效的方法。The tip meristem virus-free culture of sweet potato was the most effective way to control virus disease at present.

在根的顶端分生组织中心区域的一些细胞,它们几乎不进行有丝分裂。Quiescent center A group of cells in the center of the apical meristem in which mitotic divisions are rate or absent.

芽的顶端分生组织与随后产生的根的顶端分生组织共同构成胚状结构,其形态与种子胚相似。Embryoid like structure is formed by shoot apical meristem and root apical meristem and it is similar with seed embryo.

次生加厚分生组织起源于正常的散生维管束中柱外侧的薄壁组织细胞。The secondary thickening meristem originated from the parenchyma cells, which were located the outside of the atactostele.

并分别比较了胚乳细胞化过程不同阶段胚乳游离核或胚乳细胞有丝分裂与分生组织细胞有丝分裂微管周期的差异。And the differences in microtubular mitotic cycle between free nucleus or cell of endosperm and meristem are listed as well.

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随着花分生组织的发育,基因表达的区域也在扩大,涵盖了整个的背部区域,但并不包括心皮原基。Along with the floral meristem development, Ljcyc2 expression increases into the whole dorsal region without carpel primordia.

其衍生细胞分化为原表皮、基本分生组织和原形成层。The differentiation of the cells derived from the primordial meristem formed protoderm, ground meristem and procambium strand.

进行了茎尖培养,经检测确认不带毒鳞茎的鳞片培养是目前获得风信子无毒或少毒苗的有效方法。The culture of meristem tips and that of virus-free scales identified with indicator plant method were performed in this study.