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法俄两国,成立协约国集团。France and Russia, establish the entente group.

莫拉蒂诺斯的此次访问是落实这块飞地的新协议的一部分。Mr Moratinos's visit was part of a new entente over the Rock.

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选举协定不会起作用,但是政府间的谅解也许可以。Electoral pacts would not work, but an entente cordiale might.

加拿大与美国关于边界问题有一纸长期的协定。Canada and the United States have a long-standing entente on border problems.

他终将被迫向政府寻求休战或者是一种比较友善的谅解。He will eventually be forced to seek a truce or a more cordial entente with the government.

那项协议使得与西班牙的联系得到加强,这有助于促进当地的经济繁荣。The entente , which has brought better communications with Spain, has helped to fuel the boom.

就在昨天,似乎萨科齐和卡拉在伦敦开始了崭新的协约国友谊。And only yesterday, it seems, Sarko and Carla were in London launching the new entente amicale.

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1917年美国的参战打破了力量的平衡,使形势的发展有利于协约国。The United States' entry into the war in 1917 upset the balance of power in favour of the Entente.

协约国和同盟国在一战中展开了激烈的宣传战。There was a heated propaganda war between the Entente Countries and the Ally Countries during WWI.

一个阿尔及利亚足球队恩坦特塞堤夫近日在阿拉伯俱乐部杯中赢得了冠军,举国上下为之兴奋至极。An Algerian football team, Entente Setif, had just won the Arab club cup, causing nationwide excitement.

奥巴马的国事访问也标志着美国延续了小布什时代与崛起中的亚洲国家的友好关系。Thepresident's state visit also marked the continuation of President George W. Bush's entente with the rising Asian power.

在乔治·布什当政期间,印度和美国加强了相互之间的协定,共同开发核能。During George Bush’s presidency, India and America cemented their new entente with a deal to work together in nuclear power.

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1907年,英-俄协定为法国、英国及俄罗斯的三国协定的形成铺平了道路。In 1907, an Anglo-Russian agreement paved the way for the formation of the Triple Entente made up of France, the U. K. and Russia.

萨科奇描述和英国崭新的亲密关系时,用到“令人惊叹地互谅”一词,还说到,两国正“手拉手”地合作。Sarkozy described the new close relationship with Britain as an " entente formidable" and said the two countries were working "hand in hand".

没有相互欣赏,只有关于阿富汗驻军人数、土耳其恐惧症,以及法国核武库的尴尬问题。Instead of an entente cordiale of mutual admiration, he has faced awkward questions about Afghanistan troop levels, Turkey-phobia, and the French nuclear arsenal.

之前有过许多传论,认为中日之间签署谅解协议的可能性,甚至还有人提出中美联盟的概念,并以此维持世界稳定,对抗贫困,应对全球变暖以及种种难题。There was much talk of an entente between China and Japan, even of a Chinese-American alliance to maintain stability, fight poverty, tackle global warming and so on.

比起“组建”一个欧亚大陆上的中华帝国,日本现在更害怕面对一个强大的敌对阵营,因此它正想方设法阻挠中俄之间的友好关系。Rather than "organizing" a China-led empire in Eurasia, Tokyo is now trying to prevent an entente between Moscow and Beijing for fear of facing a powerful hostile bloc.

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只有日本和印度合作,它们才能对抗中国。否则它们将被中国,以及它的同盟国南韩、巴基斯坦所控制。The growing entente cordiale between Japan and India is based on the understanding that united they contain China and divided they are contained by China and its allies, North Korea and Pakistan.