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费迪南·麦哲伦是谁?Who Was Ferdinand Magellan?

费迪南鸭有些事你必须明白。Ferdinand There's something you should know.

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哇,好痛啊!费迪南“嗖”的一下跳了起来µ。Wow! Did it hurt! Ferdinand jumped up with a snort.

狗吃肉,奥特曼打小怪兽。The dog meat, Ferdinand ossendowski dozen small monster.

当地枢机主教费迪南·派里埃一开始持怀疑态度。The local Archbishop, Ferdinand Périer, was initially skeptical.

“小组第一不能决定一切,”费迪南德说。"Finishing top is not the be-all and end -all , " said Ferdinand.

里奥·费迪南德不会随曼联去马赛打客场。Rio Ferdinand will not travel with Manchester United to Marseille.

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特里的阻截非常好,给压力下的费迪南德带来了信心。Terry blocked well and gave confidence to the under-fire Ferdinand.

上诉可能使费迪南德面对延长禁赛期的危险。By appealing, Ferdinand ran the risk of the suspension being extended.

费迪南计划与她结婚而丑陋已经尝试掠夺她。Ferdinand plans to marry her, while Caliban has attempted to rape her.

但是布萨卡却深得曼联后卫费迪南德的赞赏。But Busacca won support from Manchester United ­defender Rio Ferdinand.

斐迪南大公的遇刺引发了第一次世界人战。The assassination of archduke ferdinand started off the first world war.

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费迪南,麦根兰的远征是第一次环绕世界的航行。Ferdinand Magellan's expedition was the first to circumnavigte the globe.

费迪南德·麦哲伦的远征是第一次环球航行。Ferdinand Magellan's expedition was the first to circumnavigate the globe.

费迪南•麦根兰的远征是第一次环绕世界的航行。Ferdinand magellan's expedition was the first to circumnavigate the globe.

曼联甚至都可以忘了他们还在禁赛的中卫里奥·费迪南德。United did not miss the suspended centre-half Rio Ferdinand all that much.

卡佩罗帐下特里乃正印队长,费迪南德打副手。Capello account is now India captain Terry, Rio Ferdinand played his deputy.

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P'6520指南针手表的设计灵感来源于1978年生产的费迪南德亚历山大保时捷手表。The design was inspired by a watch Ferdinand Alexander Porsche made in 1978.

它建筑由商人斐迪南•麦克米伦在1904年当他退休回家的时候。It was built by businessman Ferdinand McMillan in 1904 as his retirement home.

观察安顿-费迪南德在布鲁斯的教导下如何成长,将是一件迷人的事情。It will be intriguing to see how Anton Ferdinand shapes up under his tutelage.