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不谦虚也不狂傲。No more modest than immodest.

告诉我,孩子。这触摸是否有违廉耻?Tell me, child. Was this touch immodest?

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许多老年人感到穿比基尼式游泳服不正派。Many old people find the bikini immodest.

一次羞怯的失败比一次自大的成功更高贵。A shy failure is nobler than an immodest success.

一个羞赧的失败比一个骄傲的成功还要高贵。A shy failure is nobler than an immodest success.

人们不因在家中成婚而害臊。And people were so immodest as to marry in their own homes.

许多人认为美国的年轻人傲慢,不谦逊,粗鲁。Many people look upon American young men as brash, immodest , rude.

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1581年,伊凡击败他怀孕的儿媳,让她穿暴露的服装,造成流产。In 1581, Ivan beat his pregnant daughter-in-law for wearing immodest clothing, causing a miscarriage.

我们中间未曾有过一点儿无廉耻的话或者举动。啊,如果一直这样有多么好啊!There had not passed the least immodest word or action between us, oh, that it had been so to the last.

据说当局拒绝证实这个传闻,但是同时也没有声明人们是否可以申请。Reports said authorities would refuse to approve immodest messages, but didn't say if any had been applied for.

如在伊斯兰国家,抱怨中国商人和劳工招摇售酒、衣着暴露的比比皆是。In Islamic countries there are frequent complaints about the open consumption of alcohol and immodest dress of Chinese businessmen and workers.

在原来的照片上,两名女性都没有包裹头部,这在极端正统派看来,有不庄重和性挑逗的意味。In the original picture, both women appeared with their heads uncovered, images which would be regarded as immodest and sexually provocative by the ultra-Orthodox.