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因伪造罪他被下牢。He is send to prison for forgery.

因伪造罪他被下牢。He is sent to prison for forgery.

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然而诈骗和伪造是违法的。But fraud and forgery are illegal.

他因伪造罪而坐了5年牢。He spent 5 years in prison for forgery.

听说。他犯的是伪造证件罪?His offence had been, I believe, forgery?

是的,在我的钱里有一张伪钞。Yeah. There is a forgery among the money.

他因犯伪造罪而被逮捕。He was apprehended on a charge of forgery.

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我要告他伪造证件,盗窃财物。I shall charge him with forgery and theft.

我要指控加里犯伪造罪和偷窃罪。I shall charge Gary with forgery and theft.

防止跨站请求伪造。Guarding against Cross-Site Request Forgery.

专家断言这幅画是膺品。The expert pronounced the picture to be a forgery.

正如他告诉我的,这些指纹是“令人触目惊心的伪造品。”As he told me, the fingerprints “screamed forgery.”

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这些画看起来一样,但其中有一幅是假的。The paintings may look the same, but one's a forgery.

当天下午Tietz声明信件是伪造的。This afternoon Tietz declared the letter to be a forgery.

提供了辅助方法来避免跨站伪造攻击。Helpers added to prevent cross-site request forgery attacks

本文第三部分探讨了背书伪造法律制度。The third part explores the legal system of indorsement forgery.

本文对一种自证明签名方案实施了伪造攻击。A forgery attack is presented on the self-certified signature scheme.

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在我们这个时代,大多数出于宣传目的的作品都仅仅是谎言。Much of the propagandist writing of our time amounts to plain forgery.

即使此伪造的文件在法律上是不完整的或失效的,其行为也构成了伪造罪。It is forgery even if the document is incomplete or ineffective in law.

提供浮水印服务,可保障品牌、防范重要文件被复制假冒。Makes private watermark on document to provide security against forgery.