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所有内容都为浅灰色。All in maddeningly light grey.

特德不温不火的样子能把人气疯。Ted could be maddeningly bland.

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“我会……想一想。”拉环令人恼火地说道。"I shall . . . think about it, " said Griphook maddeningly.

最佳心理状态可以是短暂的,变幻莫测的。The optimal state of mind can be fleeting, maddeningly elusive.

这样的工作即使对身处其中的人也是非常困难的。That job is maddeningly difficult for human beings on the ground.

几乎没有选择机制,整个系统设置超级复杂。That’s hardly a choice, and the whole system is maddeningly complex.

对于更广泛的经济问题,这次选举很难让人读出什么来。For the economy more broadly, the election is maddeningly hard to read.

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他看起来跟记忆电阻器产生的反应令人发狂的相似。It looked maddeningly similar to the response a memristor would produce.

他看起来跟记忆电阻器产生的反应令人发狂的相似。The behaviour of synapses looked maddeningly similar to a memristor's response

然而,尽管经过了一个多世纪的挖掘,化石的记录仍极其稀少。Yet despite more than a century of digging, the fossil record remains maddeningly sparse.

美国各地百姓被迫忍受这令人发狂缓慢他妈的一整个礼拜。People across the country were forced to put up with this maddeningly slow bullshit all week.

此外,从阿富汗、巴基斯坦到伊拉克和伊朗,这些来自国外的威胁仍极度复杂。The threats abroad, from Afghanistan and Pakistan to Iraq and Iran, remain maddeningly complex.

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中国城里只有几个抗议者,他们中有的人看起来很疯狂,而有的人看起来令人发狂地镇定。There were only a handful of protesters in Chinatown, ranging from the mad to the maddeningly earnest.

这就是其中一个时间点,当亚里士多德,如我先前已指出,看似最令人抓狂地心胸开阔。Here is one of those moments when Aristotle, as I indicated earlier, seems most maddeningly open-minded.

这类危险都是大规模的,而且袭击的概率还都是不可知的,产生令人恼火的、不明确的情形。The stakes are large, and the probability of attack unknown, making for a maddeningly ambiguous situation.

这导致了该地区国际电话费价格过高,网络收费居高不下,且网速慢得让人抓狂。This has kept international phone calls horribly overpriced and internet access equally extortionate and maddeningly slow.

但是基夫完全无法领会并从而表现出任何乘客的生动个性。Yet Keefe proves maddeningly incapable of comprehending and thus conveying any of the passengers as three- dimensional individuals.

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下决心尽可能地赚取更多的财富,以防你在将来发现上司和客户吝啬得发慌。Be determined to get as much as you can now, just in case you should find future employers and clients to be maddeningly tightfisted.

摆在德国面前的是一道难得让人头痛的难题,其选择不仅会塑造欧洲共同体的未来,还将影响全球经济。Germany is facing a maddeningly difficult choice that could shape the future not just of the European community, but the world economy.

阿令人恼火不知疲倦的维多利亚探险牵引通过大沙漠在盛夏的澳大利亚探险,捕鲸船和所有。A maddeningly indefatigable Victorian explorer hauling his expedition, whaleboat and all, through the Great Australian Desert in midsummer.