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的5.回避微妙话题。Avoid subtlety.

当需要噼里啪啦讲话,需要讲得很微妙时,你会胜过他们。But when subtlety or speed is required, you beat them.

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我会在这儿等你们这些精于圆滑言辞的大老爷们。I shall wait for you masters of tact and subtlety out here.

以铜管乐队般美妙的声音宣布他们的到来。They announced themselves with the subtlety of a brass band.

佩洛西女士正准备总统的一些微妙的折磨。Ms Pelosi is preparing to torment the president with some subtlety.

从烹饪上说,生鱼片代表了日本的精明文化价值观。Culinarily , sashimi represents the Japanese cultural appreciation of subtlety.

所有的巴黎刺绣工在艺术和细微间是精致游走。All the work of the Paris embroiderers was exquisite in its artistry and subtlety.

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一项新的研究发现,其实我们在看衣着暴露的人时还有更细微的心理活动。But a new study finds there’s more subtlety in how we view scantily dressed people.

对艾奇接下来的叙述显然就是他精明的行动了。The subtlety of Ikey's action becomes apparent upon recital of his subsequent move.

哲学上最奇怪的议点也会愉快地引起我们微妙机敏的感觉。Philosophy's queerest arguments tickle agreeably our sense of subtlety and ingenuity.

好莱坞巨片通常并非以其艺术或政治敏锐性著称。Hollywood blockbusters aren't usually notable for their artistic or political subtlety.

新天赋致命被安置在敏锐系天赋树中,效果为按百分比增加攻击…New talent Deadliness in the Subtlety tree, increases your Attack Power by a percentage.

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在这里,俄国人传统的好客同苏联人出名的狡猾溶为一体。Traditional Russian hospitality was in this case blended with legendary Soviet subtlety.

他们在一路,用连珠趣话擦出使人捧腹不已经的精彩笑料以及智慧火花。They together, with linguistic subtlety wipe out a belly laughs and wonderful with wisdom spark.

我始终相信那些心中真正充满浪漫和诗意的人会立刻体会到其中的精妙。I just know that those with true romance and poetry in their soul will see the subtlety immediately.

但是尽管这个桔色盒子的精巧,有些居民说它的影响太明显了。But despite the subtlety of the orange box, some neighbors say its effects have been all too apparent.

这也是一种过程──我们想让别人通过这种过程认可我们,或者从表面上较为透彻地认识我们。It is also a process ─ how we want to be recognized or be seen on the surface, with a bit of subtlety.

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有些作品则充溢了丰富的人文内省,在沉雄博大的背后难掩细腻微妙的情致。Some of the works are rich in humanistic introspection, subtlety hardly concealed beneath the magnitude.

“要变得更为即兴,”他说,“变得更为精妙和智能。”“It will need to be more improvisational, ” he said. “There will be a need for more subtlety and grayness.”

只有在对影片的回味之中,观众们才能体会到他表演之下暗藏的情感之深之妙。It is only in retrospect that you appreciate the depth and subtlety of emotion that underlie his performance.