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肯尼迪就是这一光环的化身。JFK was the embodiment of this.

成为了长尾的体现者。Become the embodiment of the long tail.

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如何可以慢生活的体现。The embodiment of how slow life can be.

艾米丽布朗宁本身就是一个矛盾体。Emily Browning is the embodiment of contradiction.

观音是爱与慈悲的化身。Chenrezig is the embodiment of love and compassion.

有我,如何可以慢生活的体现。There's me, the embodiment of how slow life can be.

范梅南先生说,机智是“智慧的化身”。Fan Meinan said that wit is "the embodiment of wisdom."

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而这只小猪正是那只小木猪的化身。The magical piglet was embodiment of the wooden piglet.

软件是无形资产,他是思想的具体化。Software is intangible. It is the embodiment of an idea.

贺卡是客观而非个人感受的体现。Greeting cards are the embodiment of impersonal feelings.

性情与灵趣是性灵在袁文中的展现。Sentiments and inspiration are embodiment of Spirituality.

从一定意义上讲,它浓缩了冯友兰的全部哲学思想。In a sense, it is an embodiment of his philosophical ideas.

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任何数量的核或LLC都可用于该实施例。Any number of cores or LLCs may be used for this embodiment.

附加议定书是汲取这些教训的体现。The additional protocol is the embodiment of those lessons.

至于这种化身取何种形象,则要以具体情况而定。What form this embodiment fakes depends on specific situations.

“自然之乐”是陈白沙心学境界论的体现。"Enjoyment of nature" is the embodiment of CHEN's State Theory.

他发现师父是吠檀多经文的具体表现。He found in the Master the embodiment of the Vedanta scriptures.

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潘恩先生切实地体现了华府与商界的关系。Mr Penn is the very embodiment of the Washington-business nexus.

机构的实体化设计首先需要进行原始布置。The embodiment design of a mechanism needs a preliminary layout.

就业是公民享有劳动权的直接体现。Employment is the direct embodiment of the citizens'right to work.