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我的同伙想在下学后踢足球。My friends want to play soccer afterschool.

嗯,就是差不多大概一千多,两千元,我在外面课外班上课,然后就是用压岁钱,要交学费。I use it to pay the tuition fee for my afterschool classes.

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我们系的每个学生都喜欢课外活动。In our department, every student goes in for afterschool activities.

苏珊早上开车送孩子们去学校,然后放学再接他们回家!Susan drives the children to school in the morning and picks them up afterschool.

因而,放学后欺压孩子分外进修是不明智的。It is dandroidheranceous to force children to take extra studies soon afterschool.

课外活动像体育俱乐部和语言社团也都很受欢迎。Afterschool activities, such as sports clubs and language societies are popular, too.

你参加了许多课外活动,参加私人课程。You did extracurricular activities, went to afterschool programs, took private lessons.

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强烈热带风暴「巨爵」迫近,一切课后活动将会取消。The tropical storm "Koppu" is approaching, all the afterschool activities will be suspended.

现在,越来越多的家庭选择送孩子去学校然后放学再去接他们。Nowadays, more andmore families choose to send their children to school and pick them up afterschool.

这包括了无数跟学业有关的课程表和活动、课后辅导、家教及不停的温习。This consists of an endless schedule of school, school related activities, afterschool programs, tutors, and countless hours of study.

是的,我们需要加大对学校的资金投入,招募更多优秀的教师来教授我们的孩子,为我们的孩子提供更多课外辅导。Yes, we need more money for our schools, and more outstanding teachers in the classroom, and more afterschool programs for our children.

春节的时候,能收好多压岁钱。差不多大概一两千元,我在外面课外班上课,然后就是用压岁钱交学费。During the Spring Festival, I can receive a lot of money, about 1 or 2 thousand Yuan. I use it to pay the tuition fee for my afterschool classes.

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春节的时候,能收好多压岁钱。嗯,就是差不多大概一千多,两千元,我在外面课外班上课,然后就是用压岁钱,要交学费。During the Spring Festival, I can receive a lot of money, about 1 or 2 thousand Yuan. I use it to pay the tuition fee for my afterschool classes.

课外项目不过是给积重难返的结构问题贴一个创可贴,而那正是公立教育失败的地方。An afterschool program was actually putting a band-aid on a much deeper structural issue, and that was that our public education system was failing us.

她利用这些器材为摩洛哥当地青年中心的近100名儿童开展课后篮球活动。She used the equipment, which included 50 basketballs, to start an afterschool basketball program for nearly 100 children at her local youth center in Morocco.

爱博尼·马歇尔习惯放学后和朋友一起到处惹麻烦,有时候他们会喝酒、偷商家的东西或找其他孩子的麻烦。Ebony Marshal was in the habit of going off with friends afterschool and getting into trouble. Sometimes they would drink, steal from stores or pick on other kids.

校园绿地是师生重要的活动场所,亦赋有极大的环境教育价值,对于都市生态亦有不可抹灭的贡献。Green space on an elementary school campus is not only an essential place for school-based and afterschool activities. It also possesses a significant value for environmental education.

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虽然这话听起来像是马后炮,但是请记住,不要让游戏这种东西耗费了你的黄金年华,以你可能获得的种种成就作为代价。At the risk of sounding like an afterschool special. Don't allow something as stupid as videogames consume the best years of your life, at the expense of all the greatness you could achieve.

美国得克萨斯州休斯敦市一所中学的学生如果老是不完成作业并不参加规定的课后活动,其家长也许会受到严厉的惩罚。THE parents of students at a Houston, Texas middle school will probably receive strict punishment if students habitually fail to complete their homework and miss a mandatory afterschool programme.

你用几个暑假在本地大学�预习大学课程,或参加专门技能的夏令营或训练营。You did extracurricular activities, went to afterschool programs, took private lessons. You spent summers doing advanced courses at a local college or attending skill-specific camps and workshops.