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甚至连种族歧视现在也是自反性的。Even racism is now reflexive.

人类的行为不光只有反射Humans are not limited to reflexive action.

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此外还将学习反身代词。We will also learn about reflexive pronouns.

记住超类型的关系是反身的。Remember, the supertype relation is reflexive.

甚至连种族歧视现在也是自反性的。Even racism is now reflexive.Consider the Balkans.

大部分及物动词可接反身代词作宾语。Most transitive verbs can take a reflexive pronoun.

反身代词可强调名词或代词。Reflexive pronouns can emphasize a noun or pronoun.

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反身代词可作直接或间接宾语。Reflexive pronouns can be direct or indirect object.

这不仅体现在语言上。It assumes not just merely in reflexive use of phrases.

满足传递性的自反关系称为预序关系。A reflexive relation that is also transitive is a preorder.

换句话说,它是自反的,因此是不可确定的。In other words it is reflexive and therefore indeterminate.

大部分及物动词可接反身代词作宾语。Most transitive verbs can take a reflexive pronoun as object.

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大部分及物动词可跟反身代词作宾语。Most transitive verbs can take a reflexive pronoun as object.

——答案几乎都是讲以色列人逐出加沙。and the answer is mostly a reflexive call to drive Israel out.

用合适的反身代词填空,完成下列句子。Complete the sentences below using the appropriate reflexive pronoun.

这些反光板也能在有反射的物体上产生很好的反射。These planes help to create nice reflexions on reflexive objects too.

反身代名词也可以用来当作一个的动词的间接宾语。A reflexive pronoun can also be used as the indirect object of a verb.

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在它的幼年方面,它是一个反身的器具,卖的一个工具收音机。In its infancy, it was a reflexive instrument, a tool for selling radio sets.

对自由主义者而言,对小布什总统武力外交政策的抱怨多么值得反省。It was reflexive for liberals to rail at President George W. Bush for jingoism.

关于反身代词我们就讲到这里,现在我们来学习一些交际用语。Ok, so much for the reflexive pronouns. Now let's learn some useful expressions.