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你可以尝试去叙述那件事。You can try to narrate that thing.

你能吿诉我你的电话号码吗?Would you narrate me your call digit?

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白纸黑字、想要叙述什么?。Sureproof, what does the wish narrate?

详细叙述讲叙……的事件或细节。To narrate the facts or particulars of.

你能吿诉格冧先生我给他打了个电话吗?Would you narrate Mr. Green that I called?

从今以后,我将用英语叙述我的想法。From now on, I will narrate my idea in English first.

许多伦敦的街道都在敷陈着大不列颠的历史。Many of London's streets help narrate British history.

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他曾经含着泪给我讲述了这样的一个故事。He once holds the tear to narrate a such story to mine.

记叙文讲述的是发生在当前或过去事情的经过。To narrate is to give an account of what happened or is happening.

他继续叙述他的故事,我几乎不忍心听下去。As he continued to narrate his story I could hardly bear to listen.

他努力把读过的那个故事连说带比地讲出来。He tried his best to narrate and act on the stories he read before.

其背后正是前期现代性遭遇后期现代性所产生的叙事裂隙。Behind it is the narrate gap between prophase modernity and anaphase modernity.

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莫里将走过存亡间的最终桥梁,并讲述这路程。Morrie would walk that final bridge between life and death, and narrate the trip.

何谓津液不足证?试述其病因及临床表现。What's body fluid deficiency, try to narrate its cause and clinical manifestation.

我的意思是找个地方,咱们叙叙旧,倾诉感情。I meant that we find a place where we can talk about the past and narrate our loving.

我记得当年二娘曾经告诉过我,说他已经死了。I memorize in those early years two Niangs to once narrate me and say that he is dead.

他们还讲述了衰退期间开始他的统治,最后于流亡。They also narrate the decline that began during his reign and culminated in the exile.

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于是,他们开始叙说,就像那夜,牛郎和织女的叙说。Thus, they began to narrate , like that night, the narrative Cowboy and the Weaver Girl.

简述如何进行厌氧芽胞梭菌所致疾病的防治?Narrate the prevention of the disease that caused by the anaerobic spore-forming bacteria.

请论述测定血清谷丙转氨酶在临床诊断中的意义?。Please narrate the significance in the clinical diagnose to determinate the sGPT activity.