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我的头上可有一片天篷为我准备著?Is there a canopy in store for me?

入口处有一顶天篷。There is a canopy over the entrance.

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今天的天幕是灰色的。Today, the canopy of the heavens is grey.

从天篷走道被见到的密集的雨林。Dense Rainforest seen from Canopy Walkway.

毒刺贯穿了座舱罩,但没刺到夸里奇。It pierces the canopy but misses Quaritch.

门廊位于一个有支架的天蓬下。The doorway sits under a bracketed canopy.

光感应液晶顶篷。The photo sensitive liquid crystal canopy.

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此处雨篷出挑尺度太大,能否减小?Canopy overhangs scale here too, can reduce?

为乘客遮挡风吹日晒的惟有一张帆布篷而已。A simple canopy helps block the sun and wind.

台上有不透水的罩篷。There was a waterproof canopy over the platform.

那个潭很深,在它的高处是一大片树林。It was a deep pool under a high canopy of leaves.

树木在他们头顶上空形成了一个枝叶茂盛的遮篷。The trees formed a leafy canopy above their heads.

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这种床有着精致的雕花,床顶还有一顶花帐。They are exquisitely carved, with a canopy on top.

潜水员探索日本北海道的流冰群。A diver explores an ice canopy off Hokkaido, Japan.

天篷为来自雨水和热量的保护。The canopy serves as protection from rain and heat.

般怛啰也是梵语,翻译中文叫“伞盖”。Bo da la is also Sanskrit and translates as "canopy."

两顶巨大的伞盖可以将情侣覆盖的严严实实。The double-broad canopy offers full coverage for two.

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当被抬起时,它们还是一个悬挑的盖顶。When raised the screens act as a cantilevered canopy.

一块吃饭用的麻栗树木材甲板和荫凉的一个天棚。A teak deck for al fresco dining and a canopy for shade.

蔓生的牵牛花藤越过了雨林的天蓬,疯长开去。Weedy morning-glory vines overran the rainforest canopy.