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她就耍小脾气了。She petty temper.

哇,真是暴脾气。Wow, what a temper.

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他脾气坏透了。He has a foul temper.

他有个好脾气。He has a good temper.

他性情急躁。He has an edgy temper.

她性情很平各。She has a calm temper.

他性情急躁。He is ardent in temper.

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他今天在闹情绪。He's in a temper today.

她性情急躁。She is quick in temper.

要懂事脾气好。A good temper is a must.

汤姆脾气很火暴。Tom has a very bad temper.

他今天在闹情绪。He's in a bad temper today.

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我受不了她的脾气。I can't do with her temper.

有理慢慢儿说,何必发脾气。He has never lost his temper.

他动不动就生气。His temper is easily ruffled.

他动不动就耍脾气。His temper is easily ruffled.

好好提防他的急性子。Watch out for his hot temper.

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你怎么这么大的火儿?Why are you in such a temper?

你一定要捺住火气。You must rein in your temper.

他是一个性情平静的人。He is a man of equable temper.