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过度撞伤的女士,安杰罗认为,艾米退席。Angelo says. Bruised by overexposure , Ms. Angelo believes, Amy withdrew.

过度接触紫外线C会引起角膜损伤,常常被称为电光性眼炎。Overexposure to UV-C can cause corneal burns, commonly termed welders' flash.

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自从公司打出知名度之后,便一直困扰于过度曝光问题。Overexposure has been a concern for the company ever since it first became stylish.

VITEC维他命E乳液帮助治疗由于风吹,日晒和干燥引起的皮肤问题。VITEC Vitamin E Lotion helps to heal chapped skin from overexposure to Wind, Sun, Cold.

晒斑缘于皮肤对太阳中紫外线的过度暴露。Sunburn is due to overexposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays of the sun or a sun lamp.

此外,还探讨了过曝光理论与稳定线宽的相互关系。The relationship between stabilizing linewidth and overexposure theory is also discussed.

我还需说的是,过分暴晒在太阳底下抑或过度日光浴对健康也极为不利。I would also add self-induced overexposure to the sun and excessive use of sunbeds to the list.

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所有的表面反射的自然和人工光源给人以空间的过度影响。All the surfaces reflect natural and artificial light giving to the space an overexposure effect.

“过度曝光真的要受到惩罚吗?我死定了。”韩国最有名的性感人物李孝利推特中写道。"Is the overexposure fine for real? I'm so dead, " tweeted Lee Hyori, the country's most famous sex symbol.

晒伤的皮肤是皮肤过度暴露在紫外线或阳光下的结果,这样的紫外线和阳光也会导致皮肤癌。Sun-damaged skin is the result of overexposure to ultraviolet, or UV, sunlight, which also can cause skin cancer.

过度曝光甚至跟迷你裙都没有任何关系,它只是限制了人们公众场合不要脱光自己所有的衣服。Overexposure does nt even have any relations with miniskirt, it is only banning people from taking off all clothes.

警方表示,过度曝光带来的罚款与裙子长短或者普通的暴露着装没有关系。Police have said the overexposure fine doesn't have anything to do with skirt length or revealing outfits in general.

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不过,互联网的蓬勃发展和IP地址的过度使用,都出乎当前版本的预料。However, the immense growth of the Internet and the overexposure of IP-addresses in the current version was unexpected.

其有超过之虞者,雇主应改善其工作条件或对其工作为适当之调整。When there is concern about possible overexposure , the employer shall improve her working conditions or adjust her work duties.

丧钟甲虫是一种巨甲虫的变种,在很久以前由于过度暴露于变形魔法和音波能量中而被扭曲。Knell beetle are an off-shoot of giant beetles that were long ago warped by overexposure to transmutation magic and sonic energy.

这些问题在三月22日开始实行的“过度曝光法令”修正之后,引起了韩国社会媒体的广泛议论。These questions have charged social media this week in South Korea ahead of a revised "overexposure law" that goes into effect on March 22.

通常可取的做法是,当市场上升时,周期性的出售自己的资产,以便保持资产配置的稳定,以避免过多的风险敞口。It is generally advisable to periodically unwind holdings as markets rise, so as to keep asset allocations stable and to avoid overexposure to risk.

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本文报告了48例苯接触和慢性苯中毒患者周围血和骨髓常规检查结果。The results of routine peripheral blood and bone marrow examinations among 48 cases of chronic benzene intoxication and benzene overexposure were reported.

因此,若环境相当亮,又要使用TTL模式,就需要设置负的FOLC降低闪光灯输出,避免过曝。So, if the ambient light is fair or bright, and you want to use the plain TTL mode, you should reduce the flash power by setting some negative FOLC to avoid overexposure.

如果普通同步速度配合你选用的光圈和ISO会导致环境光过曝,那你就需要更快的快门速度。You’ll usually need to work with higher shutter speeds if normal sync at your chosen aperture and ISO will result in overexposure of the ambient lighted portions of the image.