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战争处于相持阶段。The war was at a stalemate.

比赛最终以和棋结束。The match ended in a stalemate.

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这种僵局根深蒂固,远远超过自高自大、勃勃野心。The stalemate has roots running deeper than ego and ambition.

眼下,雄鹿队和易之队之间的僵局还在继续。So far the stalemate between the Bucks and the Yi camp continues.

但是他表示,利比亚的军事行动即将陷入僵局。But he said military operations in Libya were moving towards stalemate.

白尼马拉马说,他采取这项行动是为了结束斐济的政治僵局。Bainimarama says he took the action to end a political stalemate in Fiji.

韩国国会在这个问题上的僵持局面使美韩自贸协议没有希望快速过关。The political stalemate ends hopes for a speedy implementation of the pact.

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由于青和他的女友拒绝搬出去,60天来,双方陷入了僵局。For 60 days there was stalemate as Qing and his girlfriend refused to budge.

星期天对维冈的和局是阿森纳近期英超联赛的三连平。Sunday's stalemate at Wigan was Arsenal's third Premier League draw on a row.

相持段能力比较差,正反手的杀伤力不强。Stalemate segment capacity is relatively poor, are lethal backhand is not strong.

1980年至1988年,萨达姆领导伊拉克参与了和伊朗的战争,战争以僵局告终。From 1980 to 1988, Saddam led Iraq in a war against Iran which ended in a stalemate.

茧壳坚硬,状如雀卵,胶着于树枝或树干上。The cocoon shell, hard, like a bird eggs, in the branches on the trunk or stalemate.

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韩国外长柳明桓表示,外交手段对解决目前的僵持局面有可能起到某种促进作用。The South's Minister Yu says diplomacy may produce some movement on the stalemate soon.

由美国大使说合的双方谈判陷入僵。Talks between the two sides, brokered by the U. S. ambassador, have reached a stalemate.

广发证券分析师赵强、沈爱情和许军平,他们在一则研究简报中提出“现在的僵局将会打破,房价将在第三季度开始下降。”The current stalemate will be broken and prices will start to fall in the third quarter.

这种战略相持阶段,即是准备反攻阶段。And the stage of strategic stalemate is the stage of preparation for our counter-offensive.

过去,有关方面也曾努力就改革医疗体系达成一致,结果都陷入僵局。Past efforts to reach a meeting of the minds on health care reform have ended in stalemate.

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白尼马拉马说,他采取这项行动是为了结束斐济的政治僵局。Bainimarama says he took the action to end a political stalemate in Fiji . He has accused Mr.

但军方领导人反复声明,他们无意介入当前的政治僵局。But Army commanders have repeatedly denied they intend to intervene in the current stalemate.

就在我们僵持不下的时候,突然鸡蛋从窝里滚出来掉到地上碎了。Stalemate in our time, suddenly rolled out of an egg from the nest fell to the ground broken.