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该政府称录像是“捏造”的。It says the footage was "fabricated".

半小时的片花相当有趣,让人兴奋不已。The half-hour of footage is funny and thrilling.

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电视画面显示,高速公路部分路段被冲毁。Footage showed one motorway partially washed out.

杰西卡阿尔芭试镜中的罕见镜头。Rare footage from inside a Jessica Alba audition.

这个片段被拍了下来,但后来被删。This footage was shot but had to be cut for time.

著色使得画面的色彩,但清除掉深色衣物。Tint leaves the footage colors but wipes out darks.

还有些视频包括纳粹战争罪行的片段。Other video clips included Nazi-war-criminal footage.

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为什么他们只用双脚就想“直上云霄”?Why didn't they just use footage for "Top Gun" again?

电影还利用了新闻片片段和街头采访的表现手法。The film also made use of newsreel footage and vox pop.

这段视频显示凯文•克莱门特正在做打腿练习。This footage shows Kevin Clements doing a kicking drill.

这部纪录片采用了原始剧照和档案胶片。The documentary uses original stills and archive footage.

颜色管理内的AE解释影片的对话Colour Management inside the AE Interpret Footage dialogue

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周日,纽约警察局公布录像片段来表明立场。The NYPD released video footage Sunday to back up its stance.

他要杰米将杰克办公室的安全监控录影带从电脑中调出来给他看。He asks Jamey to pull the security footage from Jack’s office.

孙丹勇,25岁,插入图片,截取的工厂闭路电视录像。Sun Danyong, 25, inset, caught on CCTV footage in the factory.

另一段39分钟长的视频是没有评论的未删节版原片。The other, 39 minutes long, was raw footage with no commentary.

可以从电影资料馆将背景胶片借出。The background picture may be stock footage from a film library.

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天主不会问你开的是哪种车,他会问你搭载过几多没有交通东西的人。God won't ask the square footage of your house. He'll ask how many.

在他身后的屏幕上播放着以鹅步行进的纳粹分子。Footage of goose-stepping Nazis played across the screen behind him.

其余的画面是旧的东西从鸡蛋TGS07和跳跃节。The rest of the footage was old FMV stuff from TGS07 and Jump Festa.