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阳山金矿床为一尚未开发的特大型金矿床。Yangshan Au deposit is an unexploited giant deposit.

对初创企业进行投资的领域宛如一大片充满机遇的处女地。There is a huge, unexploited opportunity in startup investing.

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大王岭原始森林植被茂盛。是一片未开发的处女地。Dawang Ridge Primitive Forest, covered with plants, is still unexploited.

南中国海拥有珍贵的渔场和基本上尚未开发的油田和天然气田。The sea holds valuable fishing grounds andlargely unexploited oil and natural gas fields.

他们往往聚集在需求未满足和能力未开发的边缘地。They tend to gather on the edges where unmet needs intersect with unexploited capabilities.

它首先迁移到未被开垦的区域,并在继续迁移前,食用掉当地充足的低质量食物。It migrates first to unexploited areas and chomps the abundant low-quality stems before moving on.

而在中国还有许多未开采的页岩气,也没有燃烧便宜煤炭的顾虑。And China, which also has lots of unexploited shale gas, has few scruples about burning cheap coal.

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据舒戈平称,神华计划在新疆几处几乎完全没有进行开发的煤矿床附近再修建一座工厂。According to Shu, Shenhua plans to build another facility near Xinjiang's largely unexploited coal deposits.

她对发掘的兴趣并非出于爱好,她所代表的中国公司希望能够开发世界第二大的未开采铜矿。而这座铜矿就在眼前的遗址之下。She had more than a passing interest. The woman represents a Chinese company eager to develop the world's second-biggest unexploited copper mine, lying beneath the ruins.

根据压煤区地质条件和相关规程,分析确定了走向移动角的大小、煤层留设宽度和禁采深度。Angle of strike-displacement, unexploited coal width and depth were confirmed according to unexploited coal zone geological condition analysis and correlative regulations.

牠们也是技巧绝佳的掠食者,又能在机会来临时迅速探索新领域,所以,牠们能成功移居至未开发的地区,其实不足为奇。They are also extremely skillful predators and quickly explore new regions as opportunities arise, so it is not surprising that they can move into unexploited areas successfully.

这个新建的魁北克物理技术研究中心位于一个之前未被开发的环境之中,是一个正在快速发展的工业园区的组成部分。The brand new Centre spécialisé de technologie physique du Québec stands in a previously unexploited environment in the heart of a new and rapidly developing industrial park located in La Pocatière.