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我学到了那个教训。I got that lesson.

什么是秋天?Lesson 3. What is Fall?

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萨莉在什么地方?Lesson 31 Wheres Sally?

这又是一个什么课程?What’s the lesson there?

什么是夏天?Lesson 2. What is Summer?

永远不要忘记这个教训。Never forget this lesson.

这给了我们一个教训。T hist aught us a lesson.

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这篇课文很浅。This lesson is very easy.

这次的教训并未被吸取。The lesson didn't soak in.

今天这个教训我吸取。The lesson i learned toda.

他记住了他的教训。He bore his lesson in mind.

我英语课缺课了。I missed my English lesson.

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记取苦涩的一课。Remember the bitter lesson.

教训是什么?So what is the lesson here?

但它向我们传达了一个教训。But it does convey a lesson.

这将是神奇的一课。This is a miraculous lesson.

什么是最甜的课程?What is the sweetest lesson?

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这里给你上节小小的生物课。A little biology lesson here.

她有没有学打网球啊?Did she have a tennis lesson?

你们复习功课了么?Have you reviewed the lesson?