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我唯一真实的画像。The only true likeness of myself.

这位画家给他妻子画了一幅很好的肖像。The artist limned a good likeness of his wife.

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这两个表姐妹非常相像。There are much likeness between the two cousins.

麦克雷在他的身边放了一个我的纸板全身像。McRae had a cardboard likeness of me by his side.

目的是让个性长成基督的样子。The goal is to grow in character, in Christ likeness.

当人们从我孩子身上看到我的样子,这令我高兴。When people see my likeness in my kids, it pleases me.

借着仰望祂,你们必变成象祂的样式。By beholding Him you will become changed into His likeness.

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实际上,她同母亲有许多相似。In fact, there was much likeness between her mother and her.

胡编乱造出道理是取悦神,而怀疑则是罪过。Raving of the reason was likeness to God, and doubt was sin.

疯子,恋人,情郎!快快化作一声叹息出来吧。Madman, passion, lover! Appear then in the likeness of a sigh.

求祢使我们愈来愈像耶稣,那样完全地爱祢。Help us grow into the likeness of Jesus, who loves you perfectly.

一些人仍然在踢打着他的肖像,撕毁着他的宣传画。Some were still kicking at his likeness and tearing up his posters.

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身形似鹏,向着安小七扑过去。Body likeness Peng, facing Anne is small seven rush toward to pass by.

人却本末倒置,以自己的形像塑造天主。That man has reversed Genesis- man has make God to his image and likeness.

上帝以他的形象和相似性创造了你,而你创造了其余部分。God created You, in the image and likeness of God. You have created the rest.

抗议者点燃了政府大楼和卡扎菲的肖像。Protesters set fire to government building and burned his likeness in effigy.

李小龙的女儿李香凝为价值30万美元、神似父亲的蜡像揭幕。Lee's daughter Shannon unveiled the 300,000 dollar wax likeness of her father.

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人们一看到那尊模特就惊呆了,然后就开始不停地谈论它和天王是如何相似。Once people see it they are astounded and can't stop talking about its likeness.

年,杰克逊在巴黎格雷万蜡像馆与他的蜡像合影。Jackson posed next to his wax likeness at the Grevin Wax Museum in Paris in 1997.

寺庙被构建的和宇宙相当近似甚至就是宇宙的翻版。The temple is built in the likeness of the universe and i alsos its reduced image.