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因此,好管家是不贪婪的。A good steward is not wasteful.

一个术语只能有一个专员。A term can have only one steward.

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“贝尔图乔,”管家立刻在门口出现了。The steward appeared at the door.

一到门口,管家就站住了。At the outer door the steward paused.

这刺激了乘务员更加努力得工作。This stimulated the steward work harder.

斯特华先生,您什么时间将到达呢?What time will you be arriving, Mr. Steward?

一位老学士,一位歌手,还有一位年轻的事务员。An old maester, a singer, and a young steward.

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管家要负责,最后要向主人交帐。Steward has to report to his master at the end.

接下来,应该为每个术语指定一个专员。Next a steward should be assigned for each term.

以利以谢也是亚伯拉罕的好管家。Eliezer was a good steward in Abraham's household.

它还用于定义管理员关系。It also enables you to define steward relationships.

皮埃尔和总管事人每天都要研究业务。Every day Pierre went into things with the head steward.

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酒吧间服务员要对餐饮部经理负责。The bar steward are accountable to the beverage manager.

作为农场管理人,他在管理方面表现出过人的才能。As a steward on the farm he showed great talent in management.

船长和乘务员一起将这艰难的航行坚持到底。The captain together with the steward stuck out the stiff sailing.

正如这位管家所说的,那个公证人正在小客厅里等候伯爵。As the steward had said, the notary awaited him in the small salon.

我们按了客舱的呼叫器,一个乘务员马上来了。We pressed the buzzer in our cabin and a steward arrived instantly.

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圣经中,管家是为主人管理产业的仆人。In the Bible, a steward was a servant entrusted to manage an estate.

为客人找到旅馆妥加安顿一事,概由她的管家负责。It devolved upon her steward to ensure that all the guests were found hotels.

史都华确实是玉树临风,沈腰潘鬓。Steward was indeed tall and handsome, with a narrow waist and gray sideburns.