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目前去功能化的工作仍在继续。Work on disablement activities continues.

我们希望加快去功能化的程序。We want to speed up the rate of disablement.

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谐振电路停止工作使引燃器不能工作。Disablement of the resonant circuit can render the ignitor inoperable.

肥胖是死亡的一个危险因素,也是发病率和致残的主要原因。Obesity as a risk factor for death, but also for morbidity and disablement.

北韩已经声明将继续核设施的去核化工作。North Korea has stated it will resume disablement of its nuclear facilities.

11位专家中有8人认为,3处核心设施的去功能化已完成。Eight out of 11 agreed disablement activities at the three core facilities have been completed.

其主要并发症是各种脆性骨折,也是引起病残和死亡的主要原因。The main complication of osteoporosis is various fragility fractures, which led to disablement and death.

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自2007年11月以来,美国专家曾连续前往宁边,实地监督去功能化活动。Since November 2007, U.S. experts have been on the ground at Yongbyon continuously, overseeing disablement activities.

本文提出传统疗法治疗烧伤残废率高,患者痛苦大等缺点。The author pointed out that conventional therapy of burns has its drawbacks of high disablement rate and pains in the treatment.

我们希望我们能加快步伐完成这一步骤,另外还有一些废弃程序我们也希望能加快进行。We hope we can pick up the pace to do that, and there's some other elements of disablement that we'd like to move more quickly on.

与部署管理器迁移不同,联合节点迁移不提供跳过禁用节点代理的选项。Unlike the deployment manager migration, the federated node migration does not provide an option to skip the disablement of the nodeagent.

他说,北韩停止拆除核设施走回头路的决定有可能跟即将举行的美国总统大选有战略联系。He says it is possible that the North's decision to reverse its disablement is a strategy linked to the upcoming U.S. presidential election.

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他说,北韩停止拆除核设施走回头路的决定有可能跟即将举行的美国总统大选有战略联系。He says it is possible that the North's decision to reverse its disablement is a strategy linked to the upcoming U. S. presidential election.

在华盛顿的美国官员说,平壤遵守了该协议的主要规定,包括永久终止其主要核反应堆。However, officials here say Pyongyang is complying with key terms of the deal including the permanent disablement of its main nuclear reactor.

说到底,这并不仅仅是要求朝鲜声明并停止核计划的问题,也是要求它完全拆除所有核设施。To that end, there is not just the question of North Korea's declaration and disablement of its nuclear programmes, but also their complete dismantlement.

美方表示,中方作为主席国,将公布朝鲜宁边核设施去功能化的具体措施。The US stated that China, as the host country of the Six-Party Talks, would release DPRK's specific measures of disablement of nuclear facilities in Yongbyon.

朝鲜表示,将不再受六方会谈协议的任何约束,并将加强自卫的核遏制力量,恢复在此期间去功能化的核设施。It said that the DPRK will strengthen its nuclear power for self-defense purposes and restore the nuclear facilities that have been under the disablement process.

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如果您无法确定是否已禁用部署管理器,则安全做法是始终运行启用操作,而不论部署管理器是否处于禁用状态。If you are unsure if the deployment manager had been disabled, it is safe to run the enablement action regardless of the disablement state of the deployment manager.

第二阶段的行动将涉及北韩核项目的全面去功能化和六方会谈有关方面提供进一步的能源和经济援助。The second phase would involve complete disablement of the North Korean nuclear program and further energy and economic assistance from the Six-Party group, Hill said.

我们认为这样做,继续使核设施去功能化,朝着朝鲜半岛无核化的目标努力,符合各方的利益。We think that’s in everyone’s interest to do so, to continue the disablement of the nuclear facilities, to work toward the goal of denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula.