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爱迪浑身一颤。Eddie felt a shiver.

把包带着,埃迪。Take the bag, Eddie.

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爱迪忍不住盯着他看。Eddie couldn’t help staring.

他是埃迪和温迪的狗。He is Eddie and Wendy's dog.

他收住话头,望着爱迪。He stopped. He looked at Eddie.

他们是乔和埃迪,两个银行劫匪。Joe and Eddie are bank robbers.

埃迪束校车来学校。Eddie comes to school by school bus.

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基蒂,艾丽丝和埃迪住在学校附近。Kitty,Alice and Eddie live near school.

郭老师给凯丽和埃迪进了一个故事。Miss Guo tells Kally and Eddie a story.

埃迪对他的新玩具火车着了迷。Eddie is ecstatic over his new train set.

每个复活节艾迪都吃八十个复活蛋。Each Easter Eddie eats eighty Easter eggs.

接着埃迪向他妹妹吉莉安求助。Next, Eddie turned to his sister, Gillian.

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艾迪以他的个人表演得到了一炮而红的机会。Eddie got a lucky break with his solo show.

埃迪从出生起就和米莉生活在一起。Eddie has lived with Millie since he was born.

自命不凡的埃迪需要钱买把新吉他。Hotshot Eddie needed money to buy a new guitar.

凯丽和埃迪正在学校花园谈话。Kally and Eddie are talking in the school garden.

霍波告诉埃迪他已经看过这部影片两次了。Hobo told Eddie that she had seen this film twice.

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爱迪有一个素描本和一幅太阳眼镜。Eddie has got a sketch-book and a pair of sunglasses.

在流行的艾迪墨菲电影,他们使用了骆驼。In the popular Eddie Murphy movies, they used a llama.

奇美电子发言人陈世贤今天通过电话确认了上述诉讼。Spokesman Eddie Chen confirmed the suits by phone today.