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什么是语言学?。I. 2 What is linguistics?

什么是认知语言学?What is Cognitive Linguistics?

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文化语言学硏究。A study on culture linguistics.

是啊,是语言学博士毕业呢。Yeah ,she's a doctor of linguistics.

我的专业是语言学和人类学。My major is Linguistics and Anthropology.

什么是历史比较语言学?What is comparative-historical linguistics?

安东尼·布鲁克就是语言学博士。Anthony Bruck had a doctorate in linguistics.

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我的专业就是英语文学和教育。I majored in English Linguistics and Pedagogy.

潘教授在长江大学教语言学。Pan teaches linguistics at Yangtze University.

语言学是东方主义的一个溺子。Linguistics is a spoiled son of the Orientalism.

我真的真的对语言学很有热忱。I really, I really am passionate for linguistics.

语言学是研究语言的学科,The study of Linguistics is the study of language

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然后利用它来研究语言学。and then applying it to the study of linguistics.

话语分析是现代语言学研究的新领域。Discourse analysis is a new branch in linguistics.

她在哈佛大学语言学系任教授。She teaches at Harvard's Department of Linguistics.

词源学有关词源的一门语言学分支…The branch of linguistics that deals with etymologies.

主要研究方向为语用学与应用语言学。She mainly explores pragmatics and applied linguistics.

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应用语言学是一门新兴的独立学科。Applied linguistics is a new and independent discipline.

英语词汇学是语言学的一个分支。English lexicology itself is a sub-branch of linguistics.

朱教授自豪地宣称自己为与语言学家。Professor Zhu prided himself as an expert on linguistics.