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小野女士问。Ms. Ono asked.

你很喜欢大野智。You like wisdom of Ono very much.

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上海小野食品机械有限公司。SHANHAI ONO Foods Machinery Co. , Ltd.

原来,阿冈只是一个中国通,是大野洋子的部下。Originally, the only a China, is Ono Yoko's men.

他们赶紧后撤回来报告给小野尚武。They quickly retreat back to Ono Naotake report.

你知道约翰蓝侬跟小野洋子的故事吗?Do you know the story of John Lennon and Yoko Ono?

大野功统习俗棒感谢偷工减料,为这个历史的教训。Ono Custom Rods thanks Jerry for this history lesson.

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小野周二晚上发表的一份声明中赞扬侬。Ono released a statement Tuesday night in tribute to Lennon.

不过,对于她来说,小野发现这一绰号决不她痛心。For her part, though, Ono found the epithet less than distressing.

它有着大量粉丝,集会的女巫和大野洋子都是其中一分子。It has a lot of fans, rally witches and yoko ono is all part of that.

小野用金戈的性命威胁金母参加皇军的入城式。Ono with Mr Mother attend imperial RuChengShi threat the life of gold.

波萨诺瓦是一个音乐流派,发源于小野丽莎的出生地巴西。Bossa nova is a musical style originating from Brazil, where Ono was born.

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大野耐一是丰田生产方式的创始人之一。Ono Jinai, the first one of the founders of the Toyota production methods.

小野看到李中正死后十分生气,但也是无能为力。After the death of ono see Li Zhongzheng very angry, but also is powerless.

今天,约翰列侬的妻子小野洋子也评论了迈克尔杰克逊的死亡。Today, John Lennon's wife Yoko Ono commented on the death of Michael Jackson.

小野麻雀们一点也不害怕体质比它大好几倍的“灰哥”。Ono sparrows are not afraid many times larger than its physical "Grey Brother."

以我们最近推出的传奇的大野洋子太阳镜为例。Take the legendary Yoko Ono sunglasses as an example, which we recently relaunched.

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千惠和小野非常兴奋地把这些结果记录下来,并向腾村汇报。Qian hui and ono very excited to copy down these results, and report to teng village.

不要把自己的境遇与他人比较,因为您并不了解他们人生经历的整个过程。Don't compare your life to other's. You have ono idea waht their journey is all about.

我喜欢大野洋子拥抱列侬的样子,他们像是一个如此平滑的圆。I like a picture which John Lennon and Yoko Ono hugging, they are like a smooth circle.