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史翠克和马汉两年前在瓦尔哈拉是第一次打莱德杯。Stricker and Mahan played the first time two years ago at Valhalla.

你必须保持在航道右侧4链的距离。Valhalla . You must keep to the starboard side of the fairway for 4 cables.

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在据点城里访问了英烈祠的英雄将变成更好的武士。Heroes visiting the Hall of Valhalla in a Stronghold become better warriors.

瓦尔哈拉,纽约,富士图形系统,美国已重组其国家的销售团队。VALHALLA , NY—Fujifilm Graphic Systems U. S. A. has reorganized its national sales team.

布伦希尔德瞬间出现在齐格孟德身边,告诉齐格孟德他即将死去,死后将到达瓦哈拉。Brünnhilde appears to Siegmund as if in a vision, telling him he will soon die and go to Valhalla.

2001年,伽利略号探测到一颗小行星曾经撞击过卫星,形成了瓦尔哈拉撞击盆地。In 2001, Galileo detected that an asteroid had struck the moon, forming the Valhalla impact basin.

瓦尔基里变成一只天鹅,将战死疆场的武士接回北欧神话的瓦尔哈拉殿堂。The Valkyries, in the guise of swans, bore their fallen heroes to the Valhalla of Norse mythology.

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黑社会性质实际上是一个由世界树侧,而在黑道瓦尔哈拉另一侧。The Underworld is actually in one side by the World Tree, and the Valhalla is in the Underworld opposite side.

瓦尔哈拉野生动物协会的生物学家韦恩·麦克罗里把科布里岛称作“白灵熊的母岛”。Biologist Wayne McCrory of the Valhalla Wilderness Society calls Gribbell "the mother island of the white bears."

吠陀的天堂,“父亲们的世界”,类似于德国的瓦尔哈拉殿堂,看上去也是印欧人的遗产。The Vedic heaven, the "world of the fathers, " resembled the Germanic Valhalla and seems also to be an Indo- European inheritance.

但是纽约医学院Valhalla校区的科学家已经培育出了改进的毒株,方法是在鸡蛋中重复生长一个病毒样本,直到它适应并生长得更快。But researchers at New York Medical College's Valhalla campus have created improved strains by growing one virus sample repeatedly in chicken eggs until it adapted and grew faster.