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这全总都是胡说。It's all nonsense.

别胡说了。Stop saying nonsense.

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我觉得那是在胡说。I think that's nonsense.

他的论点毫无道理。His argument is nonsense.

少废话,我要钱。Nonsense 1. I want money.

他完全是瞎说。He simply talked nonsense.

但是这是完全的废话。But this is utter nonsense.

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你在这儿胡说什么呀!What nonsense be ye talking!

他满脑子荒唐念头。His head is full of nonsense.

这些蠢话的背后是什么呢?What’s beneath this nonsense?

瞎掰,把你的资料告诉我。Nonsense. Give me your details.

这篇作文废话连篇。This composition is all nonsense.

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您的‘互爱’简直是胡说。Your love each other is nonsense.

她的蠢话近乎胡说八道。Her silly talk verged on nonsense.

唉,虽然荒谬,但是必要。This, alas, is necessary nonsense.

在我看来,这不过是瞎掰。To my mind, this is just nonsense.

所有那些胡言乱语我真听腻了。I'm fed up with all those nonsense.

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噢,我从没听说过这种胡说八道。Oh, I never heard of such nonsense.

他的一划鬼话,只有你还相信。Only you believe his total nonsense.

沈星面对赵来说了一大堆胡话。ShenXing face zhao, a lot of nonsense.