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就是蜈蚣!A centipede !

是我,”蜈蚣说。"I did, " said the centipede.

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一只蜈蚣飞快地爬开了。A centipede snaked swiftly away.

蜈蚣在蚂蚁堆里滚来滚去。The centipede rolling around in the ant heap.

蜈蚣想要以什么结束本文呢?And so what does Centipede wish to close with?

蜈蚣见到公鸡就马上钻进墙缝里。Centipede see cock drilling immediately in Anxious cock.

亚马逊巨型蜈蚣可以长到超过1英尺。The Giant Amazonian Centipede can grow to over a foot in length.

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她打开前门一看,蜈蚣正坐在台阶上。As she opened the front door , there on the stip was the centipede.

在较湿润地区,水蜈蚣属植物生长占优。In the more humid areas, water centipede is a dominant plant growth.

说不定哪天你会看到一只亚马逊巨型蜈蚣夹着一只蝙蝠盘踞在你头顶。In the clip above you can see the centipede catching a bat in midair.

如果你举起一块大石,可能会发现底下有蜈蚣。If you lift up a heavy rock, you may find a centipede living under it.

一只很大的、足的、怕的蜈蚣正爬在莲池大师的袖子上。A huge, hairy, scary centipede was crawling up Master Lianchi's sleeve.

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因此,它也许类似蜈蚣或多足动物,或者有脚的蠕虫。So it may have resembled a centipede or millipede , or a worm with legs.

从那以后,公鸡见到蜈蚣就追,而且要把它吃掉。Since then, to see the rooster on the recovery of the centipede , and to eat it.

生茄子切开,搽患部,可治蜈蚣咬伤和蜂蜇。Cut eggplant, born on the affected part, can treat the centipede bites and stung.

这样,一轮又一轮,一波又一波,数百只蚂蚁组成了一支“打不死的军队”,向蜈蚣涌来。Such rounds wave after wave hundreds of ant formed a dozen deathless of troops the centipede.

蜈蚣缓缓地从窗户里爬出去了。大师的朋友这时才敢从椅子下慢慢地爬出来。The centipede slowly crawled out the window. The master's friend slowly crawled out from under his seat.

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四十五分钟了,女人等得不耐烦了,就起身出去找蜈蚣。Forty-five minutes and the woman was sick of waiting, so she got up and went out to look for the centipede.

刘忠趁日出收了蜈蚣精,但阳光照在八妹身上,却令八妹痛苦不堪。Took the centipede jing Liu Zhong before sunrise, but sunshine on eight younger sister, has eight sister pain.

突然,我发现,在路边的水沟里,有许多小蚂蚁在与一只凶狠的蜈蚣作斗争。All of a sudden I found that in the roadside ditch there are many small ants in fighting a ferocious centipede.