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他上了船后,船便驶往勒格翁去了。He went on board and the ship sailed for Leghorn.

而就在这种对互相都有利的状况之下,他们到达了里窝那。In this state of mutual understanding, they reached Leghorn.

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所以他们发现有一种白色的来航鸡几乎是完美的。So they found that the white leghorn was nearly perfect for that.

意大利中北部城市,濒临利古里亚海,位于里窝那市的北部。A city of north-central Italy near the Ligurian Sea north of Leghorn.

他以前曾在里窝那停靠过不下二十次。他记得在圣。As he had twenty times touched at Leghorn , he remembered a barber in St.

本研究证实了所用白来航公鸡胫色性状的基因型为显性纯合子。We confirm that genotype of shank color in White Leghorn chicken in this paper is the dominant homozygote.

你脚上穿的是带黑色饰边的小小的绿便鞋,头上戴一顶意大利麦辫大草帽,上面还有长长的绿色皮带。You had on little green slippers with black lacings and an enormous leghorn hat with long green streamers.

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将36只健康白色纯种来享鸡,随机平均分成实验组和对照组。Methods 36 female healthy white leghorn chickens were randomly divided into experimental group and control group.

对147—300日龄白来航型星杂288产蛋母鸡用三年时间进行了钙磷水平对蛋壳质量影响的试验。The effects of calcium phosphorus levels on egg shell quality were experimented in white Leghorn type shaver-288 laying hen 147-300 days of age for three years.

船长要把这些货都免税弄出里窝那,运到科西嘉沿岸在那儿,再由一些投机商人把货物转运到法国去。The master was to get all this out of Leghorn free of duties, and land it on the shores of Corsica, where certain speculators undertook to forward the cargo to France.

成都白鸡慢羽系母鸡与快羽系公鸡交配或与白来航杂交,可生产羽速自别雌雄雏鸡。The slow-feathering line of the White Chengdu Chickens may be used as a dam line to cross with the males of fast-feathering line or White Leghorn to produce feathering auto-sexing chicks.

将抗病鸡种重新带回到商用鸡的行列,就要先识别哪些飞禽具有抗病能力,然后再将它们与来航鸡和考尼什鸡一起繁殖。Bringing some disease-resistance back into commercial flocks would mean first identifying birds that have the resistance and then breeding them with the commercial leghorn and cornish breeds.

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船长一向总是惜时如金,他在里窝那停靠了不到一星期,他的船上已装满了印花纱布,禁止出口的棉花,英国火药和专卖局忘记盖上印的烟草。He had scarcely been a week at Leghorn before the hold of his vessel was filled with printed muslins, contraband cottons, English powder, and tobacco on which the excise had forgotten to put its mark.