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颜色在谒见室广场附近的市场中是令人惊奇的。The colours in the markets around Durbar Square are wonderful.

政府武装士兵已尔首都德满都——王广场遍象。Durbar Square, historic center of Nepal's capital city of Kathmandu.

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然后我们来到会客厅喝茶,还品尝了咖喱和黄瓜的三明治。Then we went in for high tea in its Durbar Hall, which included both curry and cucumber sandwiches.

加德满都的杜巴广场,囊括了几百年历史的古迹建筑,这就是其中一座印度教寺庙。Kathmandu's Durbar Square, a Hindu temple sits silently amongst ancient historical monuments of old.

在寇松爵士在德里接见典礼的日子,我写了一篇散文---在利顿爵士①召开御前会议的时候,我写的是一首诗。On the occasion of Lord Curzon's Delhi durbar I wrote a prose-paper--at the time of Lord Lytton's it was a poem.

在加德满都杜儿巴广场附近的寺庙,一名男子祈祷后回家,鸽子四处飞扬。Pigeons scatter as a man walks home after offering prayers at a nearby temple at Bashantapur Durbar Square in Kathmandu.

政府武装士兵已成为尼泊尔首都加德满都的历史中心——王宫广场的普遍景象。An armed government soldier has become a common sight in Durbar Square, historic center of Nepal's capital city of Kathmandu.

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城里的历史中心是杜巴广场。那些被强制集中起来的寺庙,俯瞰着现代喧嚣的加德满都。The historic centre of town is the Durbar Square, where the compulsory cluster of temples oversees the bustle of modern-day Kathmandu.

23日加德满都还有一场推广成都的熊猫音乐快闪活动在帕坦杜巴广场上演。Also a music-themed cultural event to promote Chengdu, the world's Homeland of Panda was stage in Patan Durbar Square of Kathmandu on December 23rd to promote Chengdu.

神的大口罩,当地称为“Bharaiv”,被认为是在王宫广场路边,在为期一周的因陀罗拉节在尼泊尔加德满都,星期四,2009年9月3日的节日。A giant mask of a deity, locally known as "Bharaiv", is seen at roadside in Durbar square during the week-long Indra Jatra festival in Katmandu, Nepal, Thursday, Sept. 3, 2009.

尼泊尔信徒拉活女神与战车,当地称为“库马里称为”在为期一周的英德拉在加德满都的王宫,尼泊尔,星期四,2009年9月3日方拉节的节日。Nepalese devotees pull the chariot with living goddess, locally known as the "kumari" during the week-long Indra Jatra festival at Durbar square in Katmandu, Nepal, Thursday, Sept. 3, 2009.