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抓紧你手中的曼德拉草。Grasp your Mandrake firmly.

掌握每个单元发音法的拼读。To grasp phonics of each unit.

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抓紧培训审计人才。Grasp trining talents for audit.

你抓紧绳子,我把你拉上来。Grasp your chances while you can.

他把枪从我手里抢走了。He wrested the gun from my grasp.

在何种铁砧上?以何等可怖的抓擢?What the anvil? What dread grasp?

第六句把握商铺投资脉搏.Grasp the pulse of investment shops.

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他友好地紧握着我的手。He held my hand in a friendly grasp.

她对这个材料有很好的理解。She has a good grasp of the material.

把握今天胜过两个明天。Grasp today better than two tomorrows.

活跃的气氛贪多必失。Active atmosphere Grasp all , lose all.

西尔瓦娜抓紧她的儿子。Silvana tightened her grasp on her son.

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把握青春年华,活得潇潇洒洒。So grasp the youth to lead a chic life.

看来这个队胜利垂手可得。Victory seemed within the team's grasp.

用你的另一只手抓住左手腕。With your other hand, grasp your wrist.

你一定要松开手,别再抓住绳子不放。You must release your grasp of the rope.

抓住它,感受它,颤栗而轻柔。Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender.

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那么女性如何掌握排卵期呢?So women how to grasp the oviposit period?

所有这些都应当很容易掌握。All of this should be fairly easy to grasp.

如果你抓住这根绳子,我可把你拉起来。If you grasp this rope, I will pull you up.