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而我们的房地产业在这方面恰恰先天不足。Our real estate is congenitally deficient in this regard.

的开发商做出先天不足的产品。Second, not professional developers make congenitally deficient products.

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不同的是,西方父母认为孩子天性爱自由。Differently, Western parents consider that children love freedom congenitally.

人是否天生就喜欢音乐?看完猪猪的表演你会有自己的答案!Do human like music congenitally? You will conclude yourself after watching gigi's performance.

使用植体及全瓷冠修复先天性缺失的侧切牙。An implant and an all-ceramic crown restored the site of a congenitally missing lateral incisor.

有一次,一个先天失明的女孩,在大群观众面前弹奏出美妙的钢琴曲。One day, a girl who was congenitally blind played the piano beautifully before a large audience.

有一次,一个先天失明的女孩,在大群观众面前弹奏出美妙的钢琴曲。One day, a gril who was congenitally blind played the piano beautifully before a large audience.

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只有生来以自我为中心的人才会厚颜无耻、持之以恒地去写散文。Only a person who is congenitally self-centered has the effrontery and the stamina to write essays.

因为我打算以子之矛攻子之盾,只好先承认它,因为你们俩天生就无法理解哲学的抽象。I can't do it any other way, for you are both congenitally unable to understand a philosophic abstraction.

即使是天生悲观的与会者也对奥巴马当选后国家的前途抱以小心翼翼的希望。Even the congenitally pessimistic expressed a cautious sense of hope about the direction of the country after Obama.

然而,由于负一层是按停车场的规划进行设计的,改建为商场先天不足。However, the negative layer is based on the design of the park planning, into shopping malls congenitally deficient.

人巨细胞病毒UL131A,UL130,UL128基因在先天感染患儿临床株中的变异。Genetic Variability of Human Cytomegalovirus UL131A, UL130, UL128 Genes in Strains from Congenitally Infected Infants.

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结果证明先天性眼盲的人比其他人所需时间更少,同时他们也是测试人群中阅读布莱叶盲文最快的。And congenitally blind people needed less time than anyone else. They were also the fastest Braille readers in the group.

如果是这样,也就解释了在失利中先天失明的盲人为什么会比起后天失明的盲人表现出更多的羞愧。If so, this would explain why the congenitally blind displayed more shame in defeat than did people who became blind later in life.

但是由于天生愚钝,就算一个好主意正在面前盯着我脸我都看不见它,我6年没有做关于它的任何东西。But being congenitally unable to see a good idea when it was staring me in the face, I didn't do anything about it for another six years.

如果这些测试表明胚胎有基因或先天缺陷,代孕妈妈同意应生父的要求放弃该胚胎。In the event such test reveals the fetus is genetically or congenitally abnormal, Surrogate agrees to abort the fetus on demand of Natural Father.

我国房地产业的制度框架是在改革开放过程中建立的,制度设计存在着先天不足,期房销售制度就是其中之一。Framework established in the course of reform and opening up, there are congenitally deficient system design, the system is one of the auction sales.

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满学及满族文学研究方式的缺位,不能不说是"红学"迄今之先天不足。It could be said that the study of the Dream of the Red Chamber has been congenitally deficient without the study of Manchu and Manchu literature up to now.

在两组实施分流术的脑积水大鼠中,表现未见显著的不同,但与脑积水大鼠比较有显著意义。NO significant between two trials, but performance was significantly different between the two shunt groups and not shunted congenitally hydrocephalic rats.

然而,这种"嵌入式"的企业工会干部职业化模式,虽然强调了企业劳动关系中工会的独立性和专业化,但可能会出现工会代表性的先天不足。However, although the mode of "embedded" professional trade union cadres stressed the independence and professional, it may occur in congenitally deficient of union representation.