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杰克逊对此进行了反驳。Jackson aired his own rebuttal.

最好的幽默考虑到意见和辩驳。The best humor allows for opinion and rebuttal.

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雪佛龙提交了一份9,000页的报告来反驳卡布雷拉。Chevron has filed a 9, 000-page rebuttal of Mr Cabrera’s report.

我想应该是时候听听绅士们的反驳了。women it's about time you hear the rebuttal from the chivalrous men.

不过,从其进行反驳的博文来看,文克莱沃斯兄弟不会善罢甘休。But from the sound of a rebuttal blog post, the Winklevii aren't having it.

佛印居然微微一笑,没有提出反驳。Buddha India shows a faint smile unexpectedly, has not proposed the rebuttal.

如果你爸爸在你的晚会上高谈别人的秘密,你可以很冷静地制止他。If your dad shoots off his mouth at your party, you can make a calm rebuttal.

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肖恩的驳斥表明克鲁格曼一直在拒绝面对任何举证责任。Sean's rebuttal showed that Krugman was refusing to meet any burden of proof.

采君见到春花虽然也心中暗喜,但觉自尊受损出言反驳。You see spring has hooked up in the heart, but damaged rebuttal of the sense of self-esteem.

然而这位基地组织领导还是认为,有必要向这个对抗者做一个长达200页的抗辩。But the al-Qaeda leader still felt the need to compose a detailed, 200-page rebuttal of his antagonist.

辩论双方都必须事先准备正辩,反辩和结辩内容,或者至少准备好其中主要的部分。The debate team must prepare the position, rebuttal and closing in advance, or at least major parts of it.

在为今年出版的平装本写的一篇后记中,格林斯潘反驳了对他的种种批评意见。When the paperback version came out this year, Mr. Greenspan wrote an epilogue that offers a rebuttal of sorts.

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若你对某点持反对意见,应该礼貌并有理有据地反驳。If you do disagree with a point that has been made, you should provide a polite and scientifically solid rebuttal.

当事人可以对鉴定程序、鉴定方法及鉴定结论提出质疑,并可以提交反驳证据。The litigants can question about the identification procedure, methods and the conclusion and hand in rebuttal evidence.

他的所谓分析在逻辑推理上似乎无懈可击,弄得许大同暴跳如雷,然而又无法实施有效的反驳。In the lawyer's analysis of so-called logic seems unassailable, Xu Datong stamped with fury. However he could not make effective rebuttal.

对于每个问题,各候选人仅可做答两分钟,有90秒的反驳时间,并在本人允许的情况下可将某一个问题的讨论时间延长一分钟。For each question there can only be a two-minute response, a 90-second rebuttal and, at my discretion, a discussion extension of one minute.

台上的八位候选人被点名批评时还有机会辩驳,不在现场的伯南克对批评只能照单全收。And unlike the eight candidates, who had the chance for a rebuttal any time their name was mentioned, the criticisms of Bernanke were left to stand.

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反驳这种看法实际上需要一整本书来阐述,但首先涉及的是帮助人们理解——天赋才能是一种过程。The rebuttal to this actually takes an entire book to convey, but it first involves helping people understand that everything about talent is a process.

苹果公司的反驳信里列出了32条观点,其中辩称说苹果公司是老老实实的做事,但是又在另一段说,实际上,如果有人完全相信广告那是非傻即乜。Some parts of Apple's 32-point rebuttal say that the company was being truthful. But one paragraph says, in effect, that anyone who believes what the company says in its ads is a fool.

此外,作者还称这本书是一次大胆反驳,目标直指启蒙运动的“官方历史”。It is also an iconoclastic rebuttal of what he describes as the “official” history of the Enlightenment, the sort of history that he finds “cut in stone” on a visit to the Paris Panthéon.