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签这张支票。Sign the check.

我应在哪里签名?Where can I sign?

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凯丽,摸取一个标志。Kally, pick a sign.

为我签个名吧!Please sign for me!

为什么是一个等于号?Why an equals sign?

我可以签单吗?Can I sign the bill?

退出并签封。Exit and sign out v.

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我会签上你的名子的。I'll sign your name.

这是一个好迹象。That is a good sign.

这一项是正号。This is a plus sign.

然后,署上你的名字。Then, sign your name.

这一项是负号。This is a minus sign.

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我可签单挂账吗?Could I sign the bill?

天秤座是风相星座。Libra is an airy sign.

小女孩做了一个指示牌。The girl makes a sign.

你将穿进我的石膏吗?Will You Sign My Cast?

你能把名字签在在这里吗?Can you sign here, sir?

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凯丽,摸取一个标志。好的。Kally, pick a sign. OK.

没有丝毫下雨的迹象。No sign of rain at all.

双鱼属于水象星座。Pisces is a Water sign.