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树木在春天抽枝。The trees are shooting.

我不想拿枪打人。I don't like shooting people.

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他在非洲猎狮。He's in Africa shooting lions.

这就是射击场。And this is the shooting range.

他常带我出去打猎。He often takes me out shooting.

远射打不中鸟。Far shooting never killed birds.

那些树正在发芽。The trees are shooting out buds.

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跟宋承宪的拍摄怎样?How did the shooting go with SSH?

竹子正在一个劲地往上长。The bamboos are just shooting up.

他承认射了那只鸟。He acknowledged shooting the bird.

想象一下铁棒从头顶射过。Imagine that rod shooting upwards.

像不像射雕英雄啊?I look like an eagle shooting hero?

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为大江动力拍摄其产品广告。Shooting product ads for the Ducar.

物价在进一步上涨。The prices are shooting up further.

他荣获射击银牌奖。He won a silver trophy for shooting.

她在射击比赛中获得银奖。She won a silver trophy for shooting.

摄影师们正在摄影。Cameramen are shooting their pictures.

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不怎么拍人像。Never done too much portrait shooting.

他的射术绝对是世界级的!His shooting is absolutely world class.

现在正是狩猎的好时节。It is just the season for shooting now.