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他想使桌子腾空悬起。He tried to levitate the table.

鬼魂只是悬浮在水面上方。Ghosts will simply levitate over the water.

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看,他把你抬起来了,-丹。那只不过是演戏。Look, he. he made you levitate. Dan. That's all acting.

如果你们坐一下并且说,轻轻浮起它的确是有趣的。If you simply sit back and say, It sure would be fun to levitate.

可能使一个物体漂浮在空中甚至在空中飞翔。It might cause an object to levitate or even fly through the air.

安吉拉·扬森发明的轻轻漂浮着照明的灯。Amazing lamp created by Angela Jansen will levitate and illuminate.

一个女主妇,据说他能把物体漂浮在空中,最终把家里的玻璃缸打碎了。A housewife who can cause objects to levitate destroys the family aquarium.

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您曾试过从帽子里变出一只兔子,或是让重物飘浮在空中吗?Have you ever tried to pull a rabbit out of a hat or make a heavy object levitate?

依照印度瑜珈行者说法,据说这是使一个人能够轻轻浮起的“laghima”。" According to Hindu Yogis, it is this "laghima" which enables a person to levitate.

当把它放在其两端时,这个设备能够让东西漂浮起来。This instrument can levitate things and make them float when placed between its two ends.

但是中国人在乎,他们只会允许他们的通货上涨几个百分点。The Chinese care. They just allowed their currency to levitate a couple of percentage points.

一切都需要另外一切原地不动,而你又不可能立刻把一切都浮起来。Everything requires everything else to stay up, yet you can't levitate the whole thing at once.

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今天的实验中,你将利用磁性拒斥的作用来制作一个飘浮磁铁。In today's experiment you will harness the power of magnetic repulsion to make a magnet levitate.

产成品价格上涨对中石化摆脱原油价格居高的亏损是至关重要的。The increase of product prices will be crucial to levitate it from a loss due to higher cruder price.

永磁轴承是利用永磁材料产生的磁场力将转轴悬浮起来工作的一类磁力轴承。Permanent magnet bearings is one kind of magnetic bearings by using permanent magnet to levitate rotor.

最小的铭文是基本没有用的,除了漂浮术铭文,这节省了不少麻烦。The minor glyphs are all utterly useless except the levitate glyph, which is lovely and saves a lot of hassle.

手里拿着魔棒,嘴里念着“浮起来”它就浮起来了,这是绝对不可能的,不过现实中是有好些方法可以让它浮起来。It can't be done by saying "Leviosa"and pointing your magic stick, but there are several real ways to levitate.

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日本最有名的列车使用这项技术,在使用磁铁和悬浮既推动了火车。Japan has the most famous trains using the technology, where magnets are used to both levitate and propel the train.

底层的玻璃支撑着上层较大的体块,这种形式让上层的体块好似优雅地漂浮着。The glazed ground level supports the larger mass above, a gesture that makes the upper volume appear to gracefully levitate.

从橄榄林一侧看去,建筑似乎从地面升起,从大海一侧看则像是漂浮在空中。The building appears to rise from the ground in which it is rooted on the side of the olive grove and to levitate on the side of the sea.