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他下半场几乎是在板凳上度过的。He was benched for much of his scoreless second half.

科比上场45分钟得了37分,而防守科比的罗斯一分未得。Bryant scored 37 points in 45 minutes. Ross went scoreless.

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足球比赛以零比零终局是常事。It is quite usual that a soccer game ends in a scoreless tie.

本轮比赛希腊对捷克共和国同样进行了一场没有进球的比赛。The Greeks also ended scoreless in their Thursday match against Czech Republic.

倒是科比此节2投不中一分未得,而且出现2次失误,但是他助攻4次。Bryant did not vote in this section 2 of scoreless , but there is also a 2 mistakes, but his 4 assists.

他在最后一节一直不能得分,直到只剩不到4分钟时间时通过两次罚球得分。He was scoreless in the fourth quarter until he hit two free throws with less than four minutes to play.

季中他甚至打破开季连续36打席未被左打者击出安打的大联盟纪录。In the middle of the season, he even broke the MLB record for holding 36 left-handed batters in a row scoreless.

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穆大叔打了31分钟,贡献了7个篮板,四个封盖和一个罚球,他的防守还使穆罕默德一分未得。Mutombo played 31 minutes, recording seven rebounds, four blocks and a free throw while holding Mohammed scoreless.

弗格森接受了一个未得分的阶段。欧文的进球创造了完美的45分钟。A scoreless opening period would have been well received by Ferguson. Owen's goal made it a perfect opening 45 minutes.

虽然我们打赢了那场点球大战,但我得说整场比赛都乏善可陈。Although we celebrated a penalty shootout victory I have to say it was a disappointing scoreless game from start to finish.

科比方面则是低调至极,持续遭到双人包夹的他首节没有得分。湖人首节以39比29领先。Bryant, on the other hand, was scoreless in the first quarter while being double-teamed constantly, but the Lakers led, 39-29.

沙沙在因背部痉挛缺席了两场比赛后在周五回来了,但是他并没有成为一个因素,在13分钟的上场时间里1分未得。Vujacic returned Friday after a two-game absence because of back spasms , but he wasn't a factor, going scoreless in 13 minutes.

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几乎没能得分的第三节之后,他在第四节看上去好些了,不仅命中了全部两次出手而且还有两次抢断。After going scoreless through three quarters, he looked better in the fourth quarter, making both of his shots and getting two steals.

在他最后一次为拉斯维加斯先发的一场,他投了未失分的前四局,然后掉了四分自责分,而且投不完第五局。In his last start for Las Vegas, he threw four scoreless innings , then allowed four earned runs and couldn't finish the fifth inning.

巴西队曾让全世界见识了“踩单车”过人和其他进攻技巧,然而面对朝鲜,巴西差不多整整一个小时都没能进球。Playing the team that taught the world bicycle kicks and other offensive tricks, the North Koreans kept Brazil scoreless for nearly an hour.

凯尔‧法恩斯沃思是最后一个出局者,将一分领先的情况全部交给李维拉,在第九局未失分拿下第十三救援点。Kyle Farnsworth got the final out of the inning, handing the one-run lead over to Mariano Rivera, who threw a scoreless ninth for his 13th save.

再25-13落后时,俄罗斯全力防守,让西班牙在三分多钟内竟一分未得,将比分差距追至25-19。After falling behind 25-13, Russia buckled down on defense in holding Spain scoreless for more than three minutes and cutting the deficit to 25-19.

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费舍尔在42分钟的上场时间内得到12分,科比31投11中得到32分,阿里扎在上半场零分的情况下砍下16分。Fisher finished with 12 points in 42 minutes. Bryant had 32 points on 11-for-31 shooting. Ariza had 16 points after going scoreless in the first half.

他因为在4月14后酒后驾车被指控,而被联盟禁赛缺席了前两场比赛,这场比赛里上半场他一分未得。Anthony, who sat out the first two games of the season as punishment for his April 14 arrest on a drunken driving charge, was scoreless in the first half.

尽管在主场占据了大部分的控制权,米兰还是应该对这场欧洲冠军联赛E组中与PSV埃因霍温互交白卷的比赛感到满意。Milan had to be content with a scoreless draw in their Champions League Group E game at home to PSV Eindhoven despite dominating for most of the encounter.