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我们在蒙特利尔上船去纽约。We embark at Montreal for New York.

小西中午将乘船去大连。Xiaoxi will embark for dalian at midday.

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引航员将于当地时间0800时上船。Pilot will embark at 0800 hours local time.

在晚上,愉快地踏上归程。In the evening happily embark on return journey.

随航引航船,同时引航员将登你船。Follow pilot boat inward where pilot will embark.

运河电工准备当地时间0900时上船。Canal Electrician will embark at 0900 hours local time.

是什么使得约翰着手这样一个轻率的计划?Whatever made John embark on such a hairbrained scheme?

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新婚夫妇忙着装修自己的新房子。Newly weds embark on the task of decorating their new house.

但是我们这些粉丝准备好他们从事别的事了吗?But are we, the fans, ready for them to embark on something new?

另外,一座新城市和一份新工作就意味着新的挑战。Also, a new town and a new job mean a new adventure to embark on.

每个人爬下救生网,用扶手绳登上救生艇。Climb down nets, and embark the lifeboat over manropes, everyone.

明年夏天切尔西将开始他们的第一次中国之旅。Next summer, Chelsea will embark on its first-ever tour of China.

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该公司希望着手进行遗留系统转换活动。The company wants to embark on a legacy transformation initiative.

他们真的不关心你是多么渴望从事一份新的职业。They really don't care how keen you are to embark on a new career.

倘若你踏上了这条“轻压”之路后失败了怎么办?What if you embark on this new path of "less stress" and you fail.

进行水下冒险,或更好的,什么都不做。Embark on underwater adventures or, even better, do nothing at all.

那召唤万物来归的大海,也在召唤我,我必须登舟了。The sea that calls all things unto her calls me, and I must embark.

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在撒哈拉沙漠经历一回不枉此生的冒险之旅——骑骆驼。Embark on the adventure of a lifetime in the Sahara Desert, on camel.

它们即将开始飞向最小行星的10年旅程了。They were about to embark on a 10-year journey to the littlest planet.

步入一个崭新的和令人兴奋的麻将冒险充满了惊喜!Embark on a new and exciting mahjongg adventure brimming with surprises!