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这梯子靠在墙上。A ladder or stairway within a hatchway.

他躲进一个舱口,点上了一只烟。He ducks into a hatchway and lights a cigarette.

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他们三个紧紧抓住天窗,蜷缩在那里。They crouched there, clutching the open hatchway.

请抬起左吊杆摆向舷内,在舱口上方垂直对准下一组货。Please top the port boom inboard to plumb the next set of cargo, over the hatchway.

在这梯子正对着的下方,还是个打开的空间——另一个地板上的通风口,通向更远的下面。There was still open space immediately below the ladder—another hatchway to a floor even further below.

如果舱容不够,你们可以在舱口位再用一节梁位,但要留出一点小空位。In case the space is not enough, you can use one more section in the hatchway , but leave a small margin.

他们正吃着开头几个牡蛎时,有个人头从那楼梯的升降口里伸出来,说道。While they were busy with their first oysters, a head appeared at the hatchway of the staircase, and a voice said.

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她穿过花瓣状的舱口,穿过废弃的大厅走向计算机机房,她自己呼吸的声音冲击着她的耳朵。Hatchway and made her way through deserted halls to the computer room, the sound of her own breathing heavy in her ears.

厅的角上有个方洞,正如轮船上的升降口,楼下的人,从一道螺旋式楼梯经过这方洞,到达楼上。It was reached by a spiral staircase which terminated in the corner of the room at a square hole like the hatchway of a ship.

他听到上面的通道口关上了,头上那层地板上,响起靴子的脚步声,可这并不表示,Pryrates已经走了很远了。He had heard the upper hatchway close, and the sound of booted footfalls on the floor overhead, but that did not mean that Pryrates had gone very far.

当蒙克斯想继续时待命室旁边的舱口开启了,早已在屋外的亚洲采矿者打断了他的讲话。Mengsk prepared to go on, then stopped as a hatchway at the side of the room opened, and the Asian prospector he had spotted outside earlier now stepped in.

当蒙克斯想继续时待命室旁边的舱口开启了,早已在屋外的亚洲勘探者打断了他的讲话。Mengsk prepared to go on, then stopped as a hatchway at the side of the room opened, and the Asian prospector he had spotted outside earlier now stepped in.

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请把三舱舱口位的无焊缝钢管暂时卸下一部分,以便工人们利用空位来装底舱。Please unload a part of the weldless steel tubes in Hatch No. 3 hatchway for the present so as to the stevedores can use the opening to fill in the lower hold.

旗舰的指挥官半跪着,通往瑞金特之船的通道口嘶嘶升起,发出耀眼的光芒,照在士兵们深红色的铠甲上。The commander of flagship troops genuflected as the hatchway to the Regent's ship hissed up , spilling brilliant light against the soldier's crimson body armor.

她穿过花瓣状的舱口,穿过废弃的大厅走向计算机机房,她自己呼吸的声音冲击着她的耳朵。She entered this through the blown front hatchway and made her way through deserted halls to the computer room, the sound of her own breathing heavy in her ears.

Simon睁开眼,看到一个圆滑的灰色形体飞掠而过,跳过Pryrates的靴子,飞跑出了通道口,跳进黑暗中。Simon's eyes popped open in time to see a sleek gray shape skitter past, leap over Pryrates' boots and streak to the hatchway , where it bounded down into darkness.

待命室前端的舱口打开,进来了大角星。气氛犹如狮子潜伏猎物至角落并欣赏杀死猎物前的一刻。A hatchway slid open at the head of the room and Arcturus entered, looking like a lion that has stalked its prey into a corner and is savoring the moment just before the kill.

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当蒙克斯想继续时待命室旁边的舱口开启了,早已在屋外的亚洲勘探者打断了他的讲话。And we are now at war.” Mengsk prepared to go on, then stopped as a hatchway at the side of the room opened, and the Asian prospector he had spotted outside earlier now stepped in.