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拉涅利也是气的面色铁青。Ranieri is also a gas ashen face.

听到这个消息他面无人色。His face turned ashen at the news.

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这就是成了一张薄纸。This becomes ashen a sheet of paper.

甚至那些最泰然自若的人也显得表情严峻、面如土色。Even the most stoic looked grim and ashen.

她灰白的脸显示橱徘消息使听多麽震惊。Her ashen face show how much news have shocked her.

暗灰色的领带配什么颜色的衬衣都行。An ashen neckwear is worn with a shirt of any colour.

我的朋友脸色苍白,所以我问他是否感觉不舒服。My friend was so ashen that I asked him if he felt sick.

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二月的一个早晨,他坐在椅子中,苍白得如同炉条里的煤渣。One February morning, he sat in his chair, ashen as the cinders in the grate.

此时许多人显然吓坏了。甚至那些最泰然自若的人也显得表情严峻,面如土色。Many looked visibly frightened now. Even the most stoic looked grim and ashen.

他心碎了,”她说,回忆起当时的对话,她的脸也变得苍白。He was broken, " she said, her own face ashen as she recalled the conversation.

丹妮在左右都能看到被烧毁的草丛余烬。To the right and left, Dany glimpsed places where the grass was burned and ashen.

莫里那若将头埋入双手,而施瓦茨面色苍白并突然离开。Mr. Molinaro buried his head in his hands. Mr. Schwartz looked ashen and left abruptly.

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他站在祭坛的底部,突然间变得脸色苍白,倒在地上。Standing at the foot of the altar, he suddenly turned ashen and collapsed to the floor.

那个地方到处是铁青的墙壁,污浊的水,一袋袋垃圾,一个个死去的动物的尸体。The place is full of ashen walls, dirty water, bags of garbage, one by one the bodies of dead animals.

张爱玲对月亮的灰色透视,如同她对人生的灰色理解一样,独特而深刻。Zhang Ailing's ashen perspective on moon, like her grayer understanding of life, is unique and profound.

雁队冷漠地在山头飞过,在宁谧灰色的傍晚显得很飘逸。A pattern of wild geese, flying low and unconcerned above the hills, wavered against the serene ashen evening.

一个角色可以藉由通过一次成功的神秘或宗教知识检定来取得以下关于灰色联盟的传闻。A character knows the following information about the Ashen Covenant with a successful Arcana or Religion check.

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如果想要自然、朴实,可以使用当地土色色调,土黄、红色、绿色来打造比较柔和的环境。If wish nature, simple, may use the local ashen tone, sienna, red, the green makes the quite gentle environment.

苍白的,概念化的,我想这是两种在舞台上很难表现的特征,因为会听不到。Ashen and abstract, I suppose, are two very difficult qualities to reproduce on stage, because they'd be inaudible.

因为红眼圈和苍白的脸颊的缘故,他看起来像公共服务通告上登的得了肝病的男人。With red-rimmed eyes and ashen cheeks, he looked like a man from a public-service announcement about liver disease.